Chapter 12: Waali's Evil Plan

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I opened the car driver's seat door and threw my bag in the car in anger. I took a seat and slammed the car door hard.

Just what did he thought of himself?!

He was so demanding!

Mr. Jatt, huh?!

Even his own son and grandson wasn't like him but he held way too much pride!

What a selfish person!

I just hated him!

First he called me cheap then offered me money for saving Eshan's life! And now he wanted me to find a bride for Eshan!

Just why?!

Didn't he understand that I hated him!

Heck, I just insulted him and he just appointed me to find a bride for Eshan?!

I didn't even understand him!

What made him think that I would find a bride of his choice for Eshan?!

This was stupid!

I sighed and hit my head on the seat, when suddenly my phone rang.



I grab the phone in frustration without looking at the caller ID and said, "WHAT?!"

"BITCH, IS THIS HOW YOU SHOULD TALK TO YOUR BOSS?!" I heard a yelling voice.

I recognized his voice. He was Waali.

I sighed. "I am sorry, boss."

"I heard your conversation that you had with my father," Waali spoke making me shock.

Waali's father?

Oh yes, he was Mr. Amir Jatt's brother. So, he was also the son of Eshan's grandpa.

But how did he heard the conversation?!

"How did you know, boss?" I asked in the phone.

I heard him laugh. "Sarah, you should know that I don't have my complete faith in you."

I gasped as I realized what he did. "So, you set spies behind me?" I said, trying to calm my anger.

I knew I was angry but I couldn't yell at Waali.

But he freaking set spies to follow me?!

Didn't I deserve a little privacy?

Waali laughed again. "I did set spies and those spies report me every hour what you do. I need to know how the mission is going on."

I sighed in frustration.

I couldn't even say anything to Waali.

"You were doing a good job in getting close to Eshan. But the talk with my father . . ." Waali paused and I could sense and anger in his voice. "You made yourself at a huge mess. If you can't find a bride for Eshan, you know my father will fire you from job. Then how you are going to get close to Eshan?!"

I didn't know what to say.

I knew he was right.

I couldn't find a bride for Eshan within a week!

Which meant that I would loose my job and I won't be successful in doing the mission. Even though the mission was something that I didn't wanted to do, but I had to do it and if I couldn't then Waali could do something horrible with Aliya.

I couldn't let that happen.

"You messed up pretty bad, Sarah," Waali sighed. "We are going to change the plan."

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