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Summer Depression -Girl In Red

10:47 P.M.
[ Los Angeles, California]

The hot summer air attacks me as I walk towards Target. I fiddle with the sleeves of my hoodie as I enter the automatic sliding door. That gust of wind you get from the giant air conditioner above the door instantly cools me down.

I walk into the store and make a B-Line for the chips isle. I'm on a mission for snacks because I'm having a movie night. By myself... You see, I have no friends. Only a brother and parents, who I'm pretty sure hate me.

Anyway, back to the mission for snacks. I have two things in mind that I've been craving for a week now.

Takis and Sour Patch Kids. But not together. Obviously.

These food items are basically the only friends I have. Sad, I know. It's not like I'm anti-social or socially awkward or anything. But as soon as people find out about my depression, they dip out of there like it's contagious or some shit.

I finally make it to the chips isle and go to where the Takis usually are. Yes, I've memorized where the Takis are. Don't judge me. I look for them and they aren't there.

Just my luck.

I let out a loud groan and frustratedly turn to walk out of the isle. I turn just in time to see a blue haired girl with two bags of Takis walking out of the isle.

Maybe I can bribe her. But with what?

Before I can think this over, my body acts and before I can catch myself, my hand is on her shoulder.

"Miss, uh- can- May I- Jesus Christ why am I stuttering." I chuckle as she turns around, my hand falling off her shoulder. She chuckles slightly as well.

I clear my throat. "Anyways, uh so I know this is going to sound really weird, but I've been craving Takis for the past week, and those," I say, pointing to the two bags of Takis in her hand. "Are the last ones. Do you think I could uh-" I look into her eyes and damn are they pretty. "Could I, uh- maybe, uh- have one of them?" I stutter.

Maybe I am socially awkward.

She smirks. "And what do I get in return?"

This is what I was scared would happen. I didn't think of anything. Shit.

"Uh- well, I-I'm not sure." I say, stuttering again.

"I'm kidding." She laughs. "I'm Billie." She states, holding her hand out for me to shake. I take it, smiling softly. Suddenly I'm captivated by her blue hair and beautiful eyes and just her overall beauty.

I feel her slightly pull away and my focus snaps back to our intertwined hands. I immediately let go, wondering how long I was staring at her. I clear my throat, cheeks slightly burning. "Krissy."

She hands me a bag of Takis with a smile.

"Thank you so much. You're so nice, not many people would've done that. I owe you." I gush.

"Maybe we could hang out one day to get rid of that debt." She smirks.

"Well, uh, are you free right now? I'm having a movie night tonight, but the sad thing is, I don't have any friends to watch with me, so I was just going to watch by myself." I laugh. "That sounds really creepy, I'm sorry. I'm not a creep I promise." I blush.

She laughs before speaking. "Yeah that's sounds dope, I just need to buy these." She says, pointing to her basket which has the other bag of Takis, tortillas, beans, and soda.

"Okay, cool. I need to go get some much needed Sour Patch too, so I'll meet you at the door?" I ask.

"Yeah sure. I got an Uber here, so you can drive me"


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