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Hostage- Billie Eilish

Unknown Time
[Unknown Location]


I smell mold. And I'm freezing. It's dark, too. Where am I?

I try to move my arms but I can't. I try again and realized they're tied to the arms of a chair. A plastic chair maybe?

The more I move my arms, the worse the burning on my wrists becomes. I'm tied with rope. Panic sets in as I realize what's happening.

I've been kidnapped.

I try to scream but all that comes out is a muffled whimper. I hadn't realized until now that my mouth is dry and my throat is scratchy. There is duct tape on my mouth as I continue to try to scream desperately, though it just hurts worse every time.

Suddenly a loud noise is heard and light blinds me from the top of the steps. As a dark shadow walks down the steps, I start to whimper quietly, shaking out of fear.

The figure is short and petite. How the hell did they get me here? They have long hair, but I still can't make out any facial features.

"Oh, look, you're awake." A familiar voice fills the silence. I start hyperventilating, the closer they get. I recognize that voice. It's definitely female.

"Oh the little girls scared, boo hoo." She mocks.


Holy shit.

"You always were an anxious one." She spits.

I never thought I'd have to see her again.

"I know what you're thinking. 'Never thought I'd see you again.'" She remarks.

What the hell?

It's like she's reading my mind.

"Well think again, slut." She laughs.

Her laugh used to be so beautiful. Now it's a gross screeching noise. I wonder what happened.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain on my cheek and a loud thwap is heard in the silence.

She fucking slapped me.

That bitch fucking slapped me.

If I wasn't in these ropes, I would've strangled her.

What did I ever do to her? All I ever was, was nice and caring, so why is she hurting me now?

I feel another sharp pain as she rips the duct tape off my mouth. I wince slightly.

"What do you what from me?" I ask, clueless. "I never did anything to you. If anything, you've already hurt me enough!" I exclaim.

"Oh, I don't want anything from you. I'm simply going to use you to get what I want." She vaguely explains.

"What do you want?" I asks, prying information from her.

"Money. And I'm going to hurt you until they give it to me." She explains further.

"Who's 'they'?" I ask.

"Oh, just your dear friend, Billie." She smiles wickedly.

"So you're that low as to ransom me to my friend. Wow. Congratulations, you've won the 'biggest dick' award." I spit, receiving a slap.

"I need money, and Billie has money. It's simple, really." She states, getting an eye roll from me. "Now. I need to hurt you so she'll give it to me." She states.

"Fuck You." I say as she walks closer, pulling a knife out of her pocket. She raises it and slices a small cut along my cheek. I hiss in pain, but close my mouth to gather saliva to spit in face. She gasps and punches me, for sure leaving a bruise on my eye. Yet, I do not flinch.

"Tough cookie, you are." She says, running a hand through her long brown hair. Then, something flashes in her eyes. Recollection? "Except, you're not, are you?" She mocks, her eyes flicking towards my arms. She reaches forward, sliding my sleeve up, revealing the red scabbed lines on my arm. I shuffle my feet, realizing she didn't tie them down.


I raise knee up to her stomach as she bends down slightly to look at my arm. She groans in pain as she holds her stomach, so I take this time to kick her in the crotch, though it wouldn't hurt as much as it would on a guy. She groans again, but quickly collects herself, slapping me and punching me over and over.

She grabs a roll of duct tape as I look around the room. It's dark and moldy. It smells musty and gross. There are small puddles of brown tinted water. The walls are gross, soggy-looking, planks of wood, and the floor is gross stained concrete. There's a single lightbulb in here, but it's never been used in my presence, so I don't even know if it works. I hear squeaking and crawling, making me not want to even know what's lurking in the dark.

Lola walks back toward me, roll of duct tape in hand. She roughly puts tape back over my mouth, then tapes each of my ankles to a chair leg. She grabs my shirt, ripping it in the process.

"You're in my control, bitch." She says slapping me once more before letting go of my shirt. She stalks in front of me, pulling out her phone from her back pocket.

My phone.

She pulls out my phone from her back pocket and unlocks it. I knew I should have changed the password when we broke up. She turns the light on, but it doesn't help much. She takes a picture of me with flash. She then does something on it, typing something. She turns my phone off and then turns the light off. She smiles with satisfaction before slapping me again, turning around and walking back up the stairs and closing the door, leaving me in total darkness.

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