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The Other Side- Conan Gray

1:58 A.M.
[Los Angeles, California]

I freeze as the words leave her lips. I quickly think of a distraction, looking at the alarm clock on my side table.

"Would you look at the time! We should go to sleep." I suggest, turning my lamp off. I turn to Billie, waiting for her to turn off the lamp on her side of the bed. She looks at me with worry.

"Kris, you didn't answer my question." She states.

I ignore the statement and reach over her, trying to turn off the other lamp. Before I can turn it off, she grabs my arm.


Krissy winces slightly as I grab her arm. I immediately loosen my grip so I don't hurt her. I pull her sleeve down and panic sets on her face. I look down at her bare arm and see cuts ranging from small and shallow to big and deep on her beautiful pale skin.  There are maybe 15 cuts, running up her forearm to just below her inner elbow.

Worry floods through me as I gently rub a cut with the thumb that's lightly gripping her arm. I look back up at her and see guilt now replacing her panicked expression.

"Where is it?" I say, harsher than intended.

"What?" She whispers, confused.

"Where is it? Where's the razor. Or knife. Whatever you use. Give it to me." I demand, but this time, softly instead of harshly.

She pulls her arm out of my grip, tugging her sleeve back down. I watch her intently as she gets up, slowly walking to her bathroom. She pulls out a razor and hands it to me.

"Anything else?" I ask.

She looks at me and silently pulls open another drawer, pulling out a knife. My eyes widen. She hands it to me and I set them on the side table.

I grab her hand and pull her to sit in front of me on her bed. The look of guilt on her face makes my chest tighten. I pull up her other sleeve and see at least 5 more cuts. By now, there's a single tear running down her cheek.

I wipe it off before I take her hand and spread it out flat, palm up. She looks at me confused and I place her razor in her palm. I hold my arm out.

"I want you to cut me as many times as you would cut yourself." I state.

She shakes her head, not saying a word. She grips the razor in between her fingers. I take her hand and bring it towards my arm, razor to my skin.

"I don't want to hurt you." She whispers, voice shaky. More tears slipping out and slide down her cheek. She draws her hand away from my arm.

"But by hurting yourself, you are already hurting me." I state. She finally looks me in the eyes and I can see the pain. "Next time you want to hurt yourself, think of me, and how it'll hurt me."

She nods and I take her razor, grabbing her hand and pulling her up from the bed. I walk downstairs, grabbing the knife on my way. I take her downstairs and make her watch me throw away the razor and knife, burying it under other gross trash so she wouldn't think to take it out. I walk to the sink and wash my hands before I hear the door fly open.


I snap my head toward the door, seeing my brother stumbling in the house with a girl on his arm. I roll my eyes as he looks at me, noticing the light was on. He looks at me and then looks at Bil, peeling the girl off of him. He walks towards us, and I was expecting to get into an argument, like always. I was not expecting what happened next.

"What the fuck did you do to my sister?" He shouts at Billie. I look at him confused.

"I didn't do shit to her." She spat back defensively.

"Then why is she crying?" He inquires.

"Since when have you ever given a shit?" I sneer.

"I've always given a shit Krissy!" He yells.

"Then why do you torment me?" I yell back.

"Because you've always been better than me! You've always gotten everything you wanted!" He yelled.

"Until 5 years ago! So why do you still torment me?" I ask, getting annoyed. I turn to the girl. "I think you should leave."

"Kaleb!" She whines in a very high pitched voice.

"Katie, she's right. You need to leave." Kaleb states.

"My names Ashley!" She gasps.

"Okay. And?" He says. I can't help but snort a little.

"You're a dick!" She says, storming out.

"So I've been told."

Once she leaves I let out a quiet laugh.

"Look, once I started being a dick, I couldn't just go back to being nice once you didn't have everything you wanted. It'd be weird." He stated.

"Well I don't have anything I want anymore. I don't have parents who love me, I don't have friends, I don't have happiness, I don't have money, because I got fired from my job." I ramble.

"I love you, you have Billie as your friend, we can work on your happiness, and I can get the word around about your art." He says.

"What about mom and dad?"

"I don't really know what to do about that..." He trails off.

"Yeah. I'm lesbian, their against the LGBT community, that's never going to change." I say, sighing defeatedly.

"Well, why don't you two go to sleep. You look exhausted." He says.

I nod, grabbing Billies hand and dragging her upstairs. We both slip under the covers and fall asleep.

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