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what are you so afraid of- XXXTENTACION

Idk geography, just the place of the studio so if
I'm wrong with the times, just ignore it, thx, bye.

11:24 A.M.
[Santa Monica, California]

"Billie, you're 25 minutes late!" Finneas exclaims as I rush into the studio.

"Only 24." I mumble, yet he heard me.

"Doesn't matter! Where were you?" He snaps. He usually does this when he's worried.

"Jeez, chill out. I just overslept. It's not that big of a deal..." I trial off.

"Whatever." He sighs. A smile creeps onto his face. Bipolar much? "We have to finish the album today." He states.

"Hell yeah!" I smile, high-fiving him.

"We also have a meeting at 3:00." He tells me.

I nod and we both sit down at the table and start on the final touches and final mixes and such.


"Mr, Miss O'Connel, my name is Mr. Dickens. It's nice to meet you." A man in a suit, about 40 years old says, shaking Finneas' and my hands.

"Oh god, you make it sound like we're married. Please, just call me Billie." I state. Finneas chuckles.

"Anyways, please, sit." He states. We do so, waiting for him to speak again. "So. This meeting is about the release of your album. We will release it on midnight March 29th. Now the question is, do you want to host a release party?" Mr. Dickens asks.

"Actually, I had something else in mind..."

"That is?"

"Well I was thinking something like a museum. With these songs, I have a picture in my mind. I want people to see what my thoughts are. I want people to see and feel what the song sounds like." I explain.

"That's great! Consider it done. It's very unique. You will have the lead in what each room will look like. Will you be attending this exhibit?" He asks.

"Yes." I state simply.

"Great. We'll talk about it more as we plan it. Is there anything else we need to touch on?" He asks.

"Yeah, I was thinking about something else too. Could we make animated covers for each song?" I ask, even though he will probably do anything I ask related to the album because it is my album, after all.

"Great idea! We just need to find an artis-"

"I know one already!" I cut him off.


3:36 P.M.
[Los Angeles, California]

I was sitting in my room, listening to music and drawing. I couldn't stop thinking about Billie, so I drew her. Kind of...

I drew a girl without a face that looks oddly like Billie. I didn't mean to, it just kind of happened. I saw one of her pictures and started drawing and ended up drawing that picture. I laugh out loud at my self for being so weird as I finish the drawing.

A couple minutes later, my speaker abruptly stops playing music, so I look at my phone.

Incoming call from...

Mamas 😉💕

Mamas? Who the fuck is 'mamas' and why is their number in my phone. I pick it up curiously, sliding my thumb across the answer button swiftly.


"Hey krissy, I have a proposition for you." She speaks.

Oh. It's Billie. That makes more sense.

"A proposition? I'm listening..." I trail off.

"So, my album drops in two weeks and we just finished it, but I wanted to have animated covers. I need an artist for that..." She trails off.

"I see where this is going." I state.

"So? Yes or no?" She asks eagerly.

"Do I get to listen to the album early?"

"Yep!" She says happily. "We need animations for the intro, xanny, good girls, 8, Strange Addiction, ilomilo, listen, I love you, and goodbye."

"That's a lot of drawings for two weeks." I say, even though it's really not. I'm just nervous about my art being on a national pop artists album. What if people hate it?

"Please?" She says, stretching the word.

I sigh before answering, "Yeah. Sure. Why not?"

"Yes! FINNEAS SHE SAID YES!" She exclaims into the phone, making me flinch and pull it away from my ear. "Hell yeah!" I hear a male voice from, I'm assuming, the other side of the room yell. I chuckle. "Anyways, I'll email the files to you so you can listen to them." She says.

"Okie dokie." I say, dorkishly.

"Well, my family, Finneas's girlfriend, and I are going out to celebrate the album being finished, so I have to go." She states.

"Okay. I'll talk to you later." I say, smiling, although she can't see me.

"Wait! Uh, hold on." I hear shuffling and some mumbling for a while until she picks the phone back up, speaking to me. "Do you want to come with us? Finneas and my parents really want to meet you."

This takes me by surprise. I didn't think she would ask me to meet her family. We just met. She doesn't know me. What if I was a serial killer?

"Oh- uh- y-yeah sure." I answer.

"Great. I'll text you where we're meeting. See you soon!" She states, hanging up. My music starts playing out of my speaker again, and I flinch, forgetting that would happen.

I take a deep breath and get up, getting ready.

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