chapter 6

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At the castle, Cinderella, Cherry, and Atticus arrived in time as other people were going in as well. Things were going smoothly and maybe the day would have a happily ever after ending. 

"Now, be sure to be on your best behavior, guys." Cinderella told Cherry and Atticus.

"Yes, Cinderella." the orphans replied.

"Good, now let's go in before it gets too late." Cinderella picked up her gown skirt so she wouldn't trip and walked in with her friends. 

For a royal ball, it seemed a little boring. Even the prince looked bored as each girl would walk up to him, curtsy, and go back with the other girls. The orphans looked at the guards nervously. The guards glanced at them, but kept their post and let them carry on their personal business. Cherry looked with awe and wonder. She had always wanted to live in a castle. Atticus was interested as well, though he was bored like the other party guests. Nothing was really happening, because the prince was supposed to choose a girl and dance with her in front of everyone. 

Cinderella and the others found the ballroom and the prince bowed for another fair maiden. He then looked up and his eyes linked with Cinderella's. There was a spark between both of them which grabbed each other's attention. The king then made a fuss from where he was sitting to dim the lights of the ballroom and play some music. The composer tapped his baton and played the waltz as Cinderella met with the prince and shared a dance with him.

"You think this is what Cinderella was dreaming of?" Cherry whispered to Atticus.

"Seems like it, look at how happy she is." Atticus replied, smiling.

Cinderella and the prince then shared a waltz in front of everyone. No doubt that many of the maidens wanted to be in her shoes this evening. Drizella and Anastasia were indeed appalled and demanded to know who the 'mysterious girl of the ball' was. Cherry and Atticus stayed quiet and ignored the step-family so they wouldn't get caught.

"Who is she, Mother?" Anastasia asked.

"Do you know her?" Drizella asked. "Well, the prince knows her, but I've never seen her before!"

"Nor I, but she certainly is.... Wait, there's something familiar about her..." Lady Tremaine stated.

Cherry and Atticus shared a glance together. "Uh-oh."

Lady Tremaine heard them and turned back to them. Cherry and Atticus sensed this and quickly turned around, pretending to have a conversation. "Now, why are there children here?" she wondered, swiftly.

"Whoever that girl is she's lucky, I'd kill to be her!" Anastasia harrumphed.

"Looks like you gotta kiss a frog or two now, Anastasia!" Drizella taunted.

"Shut up, Drizella!"

"You, shut up!"

"Girls, stop!" Lady Tremaine scolded their argument. "You let me worry about that girl, now have a good time like the others, even if the prince is more worthy to be with one of you."

After a while, Atticus and Cherry were getting bored. After Cinderella and the prince went outside, the party was kind of dull. There was then a loud gong heard outside. Cherry and Atticus went to look out the window and they were alarmed! The giant clock tower outside read: 12:00! It was midnight which meant they had little time before the Fairy Godmother's magic would die out! Cinderella broke from the prince and quickly dashed to collect the orphans and quickly get back home before their true colors would be shown. 

"Hurry, we got little time!" Cherry called as they all ran outside to the pumpkin carriage.

Cherry an Atticus ran with Cinderella the best they could. Cinderella lost one of her slippers. She was about to get it, but the clock chimed again, worrying her. She then ran off with her friends in the carriage. The grand duke found the slipper and picked it up to stop them. Cinderella, Cherry and Atticus panicked and sat snug in the coach as it rode off back to the château. The clock chimes were like warning sounds as they rode in the middle of the forest, but soon the spell broke as the final toll clanged and the pumpkin carriage turned back into a pumpkin, Cinderella, Cherry, and Atticus were back in their rags, and the horses turned back into mice, and Bruno was a dog again and the coachman was a horse again. Cherry, Atticus and Cinderella hid back in the bushes as the king's guards came on their big, scary, black horses and smashed the pumpkin, but leaving a lone glass slipper.

"I'm sorry," Cinderella sighed to her friends. "I guess I forgot about everything. Even, the time, but it was so wonderful. He was so handsome and when we danced, I'm sure the prince couldn't have been more... more... well, it's over..."

"Chin up, Cinderella," Cherry picked up the glass slipper with Jaq and Gus inside. "Still got this and you rarely get to keep the things in your dreams."

Cinderella smiled and cheered up. "You're right, Cherry."

"You also have your memories." Atticus added.

"Yes," Cinderella smiled, holding the slipper. "Thank you, Fairy Godmother, wherever you are. Thank you so much for everything. Come on, let's get home before Step-Mother and the girls get back."

That night, Cinderella and her friends quickly got dressed to their regular clothes. They then decided to get some sleep to get ready for tomorrow's chores. At least they got to go out for the evening for a change. Cherry and Atticus slept soundly and Cinderella hummed in her sleep, dreaming of the prince. It was truly the best night of her life. Her dream had indeed come true just like she had been dreaming since before she can even remember. 

The next morning, Cherry and Atticus got dressed normally. Cinderella was still in a daze, dreaming about the night before. Even daydreaming through her chores and wanting to see the prince again. 

"Cherry! Atticus! Cinderella!" Lady Tremaine called.

Cherry and Atticus obediently came downstairs to meet with their mistress. 

"Where is Cinderella?" Lady Tremaine demanded.

"I dunno, she was upstairs." Cherry shrugged.

"Is she still sleeping?" Lady Tremaine asked.

"No, she was awake when we woke up." Atticus added.

"You called, Step-Mother?" Cinderella asked as she lazily came downstairs.

"Oh, you're here, now where are my daughters?" Lady Tremaine asked.

"I think they're still asleep." Cinderella replied.

"Well, don't just stand there! The three of you bring up the trays at once!" Lady Tremaine ordered.

Cinderella nodded and hummed the song she danced with the prince. Cherry and Atticus quickly got the trays together to serve the Tremaine family as instructed. At least Cinderella was in a good mood. Cinderella went to get the trays as Cherry washed the dishes and Atticus dried them. Lady Tremaine came to them, suspicious after she woke up Anastasia and Drizella. 

"You need something, Lady Tremaine?" Atticus asked.

"No, I just wanted to talk," Lady Tremaine smirked. "I find it interesting that there were children about your age at the ball last night."

Cherry's eyes widened. "Why would we find that interesting?"

"Just thought I'd ask what you two did last night with those children out so late." Lady Tremaine smirked.

"Maybe they're vampire children." Atticus compulsively lied. He was a pretty good liar. Unfortunately for both of them...

"Cherry, could I speak to you in private?" Lady Tremaine asked.

"Why!? What did I do!?" Cherry panicked.

"Come with me, child, Atticus, you finish the dishes." Lady Tremaine grabbed Cherry's hand and pulled her into her bedroom. She then shut the door and locked it so Cherry wouldn't be able to escape. "Let's talk about the ball last night, my dear..."

Cherry gulped with fright and twiddled her fingers.

Cherry and Atticus Meet CinderellaWhere stories live. Discover now