chapter 22

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The Wedding March was playing inside the castle. The wedding must have been happening right this very minute. It looked like the entire kingdom was attending this wedding. The King was standing lovingly next to Anastasia, thinking she was Cinderella, she looked very overwhelmed to be doing this.

"Whoo-hoo!" Jaq cheered on the way to the wedding.

Gus carried on, but he felt sick to his stomach.

"I hope we make it in time." Cherry twinged, feeling nervous.

"Relax, I'm sure we can make this a happy ending after all." Atticus assured her, looking sharp and ready to take down Lady Tremaine once and for all.

The castle was a bit far away, but not too far away. And on horseback, the three humans and two mice were sure they were going to make it. The music was still going until they dashed through the gate to the castle. Once they made it through there, the music stopped. It must have been time for the priest's speech to wed the Prince and Anastasia. They made it to the steps, having the horse stop and let them get off. The guards blocked their way in.

"You have to let us in!" Cherry cried.

"Sorry, the wedding for Cinderella and the Prince is being held." a guard told her.

"But, I'm Cinderella!" the bride protested, though her dress was really tattered.

The guards looked at her.

"She is!" Atticus added.

"But that's impossible, she's getting married right now." the other guard told them. "Now, lady, take yourself and your children back to the sweatshop where you belong or we'll be forced to get rough!"

"You don't understand, we must get inside! Please!" Cinderella begged, but the guards wouldn't budge.

Jaq and Gus squeaked. The trio looked down to them and saw they had a plan of their own. They then decided to have fun with the guards and sneak around their clothes to make them feel weird and lose their balance like a prank. The guards howled and tried to shake off the mice, allowing the humans to dash inside and try and stop the wedding. They ran down the aisle with all the townspeople looking at them, looking surprised as the Prince took Anastasia's hand.

"Anastasia..." Cinderella whispered.

"Cinderella." Anastasia said, feeling sick to her stomach from the guilt.

The priest closed his book in shock. He even fainted backwards from seeing two Cinderella's.

"Spoiled little ingrate!" Lady Tremaine stormed in with Drizella. "I've given you everything you ever wanted, Anastasia!"

"But, I want someone to love me, for me." Anastasia protested.

"Guards!" the King stood up, angered that his son's wedding was interrupted. "Seize that woman!"

The guards started charging for Lady Tremaine. They came from all sides, Lady Tremaine took out the wand. She used the powers on her side, speaking the magic words, which made the magic from above turn the guards into clucking chickens. The crowd was startled by Lady Tremaine's powers. She then turned the guards coming after her into pigs. Finally, she turned the last three guards into bunny rabbits.

"And now, for you!" Lady Tremaine scowled at her younger daughter.

"Turn her into a toad, Mother!" Drizella cried with a wicked smile that could only match her mother's.

"Stop!" Cinderella stood in front of Anastasia with Cherry and Atticus. "No more!"

Lady Tremaine snorted wickedly. "Even better."

"NO!" the Prince cried for Cinderella as Lady Tremaine started to wave the wand. He lashed out his sword as the magic blasts were coming for the innocent ones. The magic ricocheted off the blade and zapped Lady Tremaine and Drizella and they vanished from the room, but the wand was left behind from them.

"You think they turned into toads?" Cherry asked.

"Turned into?" Atticus scoffed. "They were dragons and now they're toads like they were before."

The Grand Duke and the King were very astounded all they had been through today. They were so shocked they couldn't speak. Anastasia and Cinderella took each other's hands with smiles, this was going to be set right once and for all.

"This is the real Cinderella," Anastasia told the prince, joining their hands together. "You true love."

The two joined hands together. Once their hands touched, they knew they were right for each other. They both looked each other in the eyes with their eyes twinkling and having bright smiles. They knew they deserved each other for sure this time. Anastasia then took the wand to turn herself back to her normal, true form.

"Anastasia, what's wrong?" Cherry asked, noticing how unhappy she was.

"I don't deserve this..." Anastasia said glumly.

"Everyone deserves true love." Cinderella told her. They then shared a rather sisterly hug together. "Bibbiti-Bobbiti-Boo." she used the magic wand to turn the Fairy Godmother back into herself after being a statue for who knows how long?

Anastasia then held out her hand, remembering she got something.

"What's that, Anastasia?" Atticus asked.

"A shell," Anastasia told the orphans. "The King told me when he met the Prince's mother, they were walking on a beach together and he gave her it. He wanted me to have it when I was going to marry the Prince..." she then went to return it to the King.

Cherry and Atticus looked at each other.

"She's really changed." Cherry said.

"I know, I used to hate her, but now I feel bad we ever called her one of the ugly step-sisters." Atticus said.

"She was ugly, her personality, but now that she's good, she's more pretty now."

"Bibbiti-Bobbiti-Boo!" the Fairy Godmother beamed, using her wand to make Cherry, Atticus, and Cinderella into clean, proper, and magical wedding clothes.

"Thank you." they all said, feeling right. Now the wedding can truly start.

"Would you like me to return you to your former lives?" the Fairy Godmother asked as the Prince and Cinderella shared a twirl.

"Former lives?" Cherry, Cinderella, the Prince, and Atticus asked at once.

"Why, yes," Fairy Godmother explained. "You see, you two... Well, you were already... Well, you were already... Oh, never mind."

"I told you something felt funny." Cherry nudged Atticus's shoulder to see her suspicions were true suspicions and not just overactive negativity.

"Well," the King spoke up. "Does anyone want to marry my son?"

"I do." Cinderella glowed.

The priest gasped, regaining conciousness. He then cracked open his book in the middle of the floor, to marry Cinderella and the Prince, finally. "I now pronounce you, husband and wife." he then gasped and knocked out again.

Cinderella and the Prince smiled cheerfully, then shared a kiss. Everyone was happy, the whole kingdom cheered for them, Anastasia was very proud, the King was satisfied, even the Grand Duke, Cherry and Atticus threw rice for their friend and her husband. Gus, Jaq, and the birds were throwing flower petals over the happy couple. Fireworks came out of the castle and the time stream was fixed, all was exactly how it should have been. With an exception, Anastasia went to live in the caslte with everyone, and Drizella and Lady Tremaine were forced to become castle maids while Cinderella's old house had been renovated and became the new orphanage in the village where Cherry and Atticus helped out for sometimes when not busy with royal duties. This was indeed a twist in time, but now it was all over like this story. And they all lived happily ever after...again. 

                                   The End

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