chapter 12

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The banquet was a roaring success. Cherry and Cinderella were now free to do what they wanted to as princesses with less rules from Prudence, Beatrice and Daphne. Cherry was in her room unwillingly brushing the fur of the Prince's cat, Pom-Pom. At least she wouldn't have to bathe mean old Lucifer anymore back at the château. Pom-Pom was a spoiled cat, but at least she wouldn't make Cherry's life miserable all the time. Cherry finally brushed after exactly 100 times. 

"There you go, Pom-Pom." Cherry put the brush up. "That should do it."

Pom-Pom pompously mewed and dashed out the room.

"You better not be trying to eat Jaq and Gus again!" Cherry scolded. "That cat..."

"Hey, sis." Atticus greeted.

"Oh, hey." Cherry put the cat grooming appliances away and noticed her jacket was covered in white fluff. "Oh, dang."

"Looks like you gotta air that thing out."

"Yeah, I suppose." Cherry unzipped her jacket.

Atticus's eyes widened in a teasingly way. "Cherry's taking off her jacket? I gotta see this for myself!"

"Very funny." Cherry had her jacket all the way off and aired it out the window to rid it of Pom-Pom's fur. Once she finished, she put it back on and zipped it right up.

"You sure you wanna wear that thing today? It's stopped snowing!"

"You don't understand, this jacket is apart of me! It's who I am! Without this jacket, I'm not me!"

"But it's spring! It'll be time for the festival, sis!"

"Stop calling me that, I'm not your sister." Cherry darted her eyes at him.

"We're kinda like brother and sister, we were adopted together after all." Atticus shrugged his shoulders.

"Enough of this, let's go see Cinderella." Cherry walked out the room with him.

Atticus followed. "I hope she's not too busy. It'll be time for the spring festival."

"We sure do throw a lot of parties around here." Cherry said distantly.

"Your flowers, your Highness." the Grand Duke had a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Cinderella.

Cinderella smiled at them and sniffed them. "Cherry, wanna smell the fresh spring flowers?"

"No way, I hate spring!" Cherry cringed, folding her arms. "It's always too warm, I sneeze all the time, spring sucks!"

"Don't say that, young lady," the Grand Duke scolded. "It'll soon be time for the spring festival!"

"Don't remind me." Cherry said, glaring at Atticus.

The Grand Duke handed Cinderella a list of how to prepare for the Spring Festival. Cherry and Atticus watched him leave, then looked at the list with her. Sure, they weren't a princess and a prince like the adults, but they could still help out in any way they could. They were like the family Cinderella never had. They all then noticed the pitter-patter of tiny mouse feet and looked down. Jaq had a bundle of messy daffodils, but they had gotten ruined from outside. He and Gus must've run into Pom-Pom.

"Oh, good morning, fellas," Cinderella greeted. "What have you there?"

"For you," Jaq sighed sadly, handing the flowers to Cherry. "But they're too small." 

"Oh, umm... Thanks," Cherry took the flowers. 

"They're beautiful, how very sweet!" Cinderella beamed and put them with her flowers. 

"Why give me flowers?" Cherry asked.

"Cherry as pretty as spring day!" Jaq said with a blush.

Cherry raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay..."

"I think he likes you." Atticus whispered.

"Don't be silly, he's a mouse!" Cherry glared at him.

"Your Highness," the Grand Duke called from out the door. "The Festival Committee is assembled in the library, awaiting your instructions."

Cherry and Atticus spotted Pom-Pom. She was probably waiting to go in to capture Gus and Jaq. They then looked back with mischievous expressions to the Grand Duke.

"Sir, I believe it's time for a bath for the feline." Cherry said in a pompous accent.

"Oh yes, quite right away." Atticus added with his own accent.

"Oh, thank you for reminding me," the Grand Duke grabbed Pom-Pom from going anywhere. "The bath is in the pantry, awaiting you." He walked off to bathe the spoiled cat, making the orphans laugh.

"I'll see you later, guys." Cinderella walked off to the library.

"So, what do you wanna do today?" Atticus asked Cherry as he dug in his ear.

"I dunno, it's boring without Cinderella." Cherry shrugged.

Just then, one of the female mice came. She had a pink dress, so it was Mary! She had something in her hands too. "Good morning, Jaq." she greeted, sheepishly.

"Hello Mary," Jaq greeted. "Pretty coat."

"I made it for you," Mary showed, bashfully. "Wanna try it on?"

"Oh, very nice." Jaq reached for it.

Gus gasped in shock and realization. "Cinderelly forget party list!"

"I'll get it." Cherry grabbed the list.

"Jaq Jaq help!" Jaq snuck in her pant leg.

"Jaq, no!" Cherry protested, but laughed as Jaq ran around her body under her clothes. "Jaq, stop, I can do it by myself!" she laughed.

"Jaq always help Cherry and Cinderelly." Jaq told her.

"Okay, you can help, but be careful." Cherry giggled from the tickling and left.

Atticus was now alone with Mary. They glanced at each other shyly.

"So, umm... You like cheese?" Atticus shrugged, making conversation.

Cherry giggled as Jaq was around her clothes, but settled as he got on top of her head. "Okay, stop that!" Cherry scolded, in an angry whisper.

"Sorry." Jaq apologized.

Cherry gently came inside the library as the people discussed ideas for the spring festival. A lot of the men wanted to move the festival to the summer. It was a grand event for the village children, of course. Cherry took the list out and handed it to Cinderella quietly. Cinderella silently thanked her and took the list. Jaq got off-balance though and fell out of Cherry's clothes and landed on the floor. Cherry was on her way out, but she tripped over a chubby woman's napkin.

"Are you alright, dear?" the woman asked.

"I'm fine, what did I trip over?" Cherry got on her knees. She then grabbed the napkin to feel it had someone or something in it. "Jaq, is that you?"

The napkin opened up to show Jaq. "Sorry."

The chubby woman screamed and ran out of the library. Jaq avoided her big feet and ran under the table to avoid getting squished and in trouble. Cherry and Cinderella left the conference and decided to check up with Jaq.

"Jaq, you alright?" Cinderella asked.

"No help to Cinderelly or Cherry," Jaq sighed sadly. "Just make a big mess."

"Sorry Jaq." Cherry said.

"Tell you what, we're about to go to the fairgrounds," Cinderella said to hopefully cheer him up. "Why don't you come with us? We could really use your help."

"Help?" Jaq brightened up. "Zug Zug!"

"Meet us at the stables in 10 minutes." Cinderella said.

"No problem!"

Cinderella and Cherry left.

"What's he gonna do at the stables?" Cherry asked.

Cinderella shushed her on their way out. "I just want him to feel important, I hate to see him left out. So, we're gonna ride with horses."

Cherry stopped suddenly. "You know I'm not fond of horses, Cinderella."

Cinderella came back and pulled her out. "Come on, for Jaq!"

Cherry sighed sharply. "Fine..."

Cinderella wore more proper clothes and Cherry wore her usual outfit. They then went out to the horses stables to hopefully see Jaq. Cherry really didn't want to do this, but she had to help a friend. Cherry and Cinderella looked around for Jaq before they would have to go and look for Cinderella's escort. They called for Jaq everywhere in the stable, but couldn't find or see him. They shrugged it off and Cinderella got on the horse. Cherry was on her way out, but one of the horsemen grabbed Cherry and sat her behind Cherry.

"Hey, I don't wanna ride!" Cherry whined in protest.

"Come on, let's go." Cinderella gently kicked the horse so they could go.

Cherry whined and felt ill as they rode off.

"Cherry, why don't you complain less and maybe you'll be happier?" Cinderella suggested.

Cherry sighed, then decided to sing a song as they were on their way to the fairgrounds for the celebration.

Cherry: The sun's up shining
Silver lining
It's gonna be a beautiful day

"There you go!" Cinderella chirped.

Cherry: Church bells a ringing
Birds all singing
Everything's going my way

Climb the trees
Smell the breeze
Laugh with all your might

Blue skies showing
Everything's gonna be alright
You'll never stop the raining

By sitting and complaining
It all comes down to you
You'll smile again

It happens when you change your point of view
When you're small
One inch tall

And then you're six-foot two
You've hit the big time now
And the world's looking up to you

When you're small
One inch tall
And then you're six-foot two

You've hit the big time now
And the world's looking up to you
Yeah, you

The girls made it to the fairgrounds. Cinderella was signing some things as the men got to work. Cherry was allowed to arrange the rides, fun and games. There was then a new guest that no one had seen before. He just seriously came from nowhere. He had gotten caught in some mucky cement, grabbing the girls' attention an they quickly rushed to the stranger's aid.

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