chapter 15

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The group was meeting around town for Anastasia to meet with the Baker. Cherry was filing her nails, Atticus was skimming a book, and Cinderella was waiting patiently. The group saw Anastasia at the flower vendor to get one of those romantic flower garlands. They saw that she had changed into a very different person since she fell in love with the baker. Anastasia deeply inhaled the sweet nectar of the flowers and even handed one of them to a little girl who happily took one. Anastasia had to do this baker thing herself, so the group thought she could use some quick advice, knowing Lady Tremaine wouldn't give the motherly advice the wicked girl needed.

"We'll wait for you by the apple cart." Cinderella told her with a smile.

Anastasia saw the smile and remembered that she needed to work on hers. She tried one, but it turned into a deep scowl. Cinderella gave a friendly smile and tried to help by presentation of her smile. Anastasia now had the perfect smile and felt confident enough to meet the baker and make him hers. Cherry and Atticus gave a thumbs up, then Anastasia walked off to find the baker. 

The group wondered how it would go, but then they saw she looked deeply devastated. She dropped the flower garland, and ran, crying. She looked very heartbroken and very unhappy. 

"What?" Cinderella held her. "What happened?"

Anastasia sobbed, unable to answer. She then ran off, still crying and a miserable mess. 

"Anastasia!" the group called as a horse carriage passed. Once it cleared, they couldn't see Anastasia anymore. 

The group then decided to comfort her. They looked all around the town square, hoping she didn't go home. With luck, they found her, crying her eyes out by the fountain. Even though Cherry didn't like Anastasia, she had to give her a comforting hug. She was coming with open arms, but Anastasia shoved her away, continuing to cry. They had to know what the trouble was, but all they got was tears and pain.

"Don't look at me!" Anastasia wept. "I look horrible!"

"Yes," Cherry agreed with a sad smile. "But, what happened? If this guy doesn't wanna be with you when you obviously love him, then he's no good. What just happened?"

Anastasia sniffled and wiped a tear. "I went to find the baker, but I caught him with another woman and he was giving her a flower garland!"

Cherry raised an eyebrow and looked back. "I don't think he would do that, he seems modest to me."

"Well he did!" Anastasia seethed, and cried again. 

"Can this get any worse?" Cherry shrugged, not sure what to do next.

The baker then came with a torn up flower garland. Cherry sounded angry with him based on what she heard, but he explained everything. Anastasia was about to leave, but once she heard the truth, she felt better. They were a perfect pair after all. Cinderella, Cherry and Atticus decided to stay aside and give the new couple some privacy. They were happily in love again and were very delighted to be with one another. The group hid behind a bridge to make sure, and it looked as though this story was going to have a happy ending. Unless...

"Anastasia!" a sharp-tongued voice called. 

The group turned to see Lady Tremaine come with Drizella.

"You and your big mouth." Atticus scoffed at Cherry.

"Aw, shuddap!" Cherry glared at him.

"Not helping!" Cinderella told the orphans.

"Anastasia, how dare you defy me!" Lady Tremaine snarled at her daughter, completely cold and lacked of empathy. "You were forbidden to speak to this man!"

"Oh, look at her!" Drizella mocked her younger sister. "It's a disaster!"

"We'll be the laughing-stock of the entire town!" Lady Tremaine took the damaged flower from the baker in Anastasia's hair and dropped it on the ground, glaring at the happy couple. "You've embarrassed yourself, you know I only have the best interests at heart. You deserve better, come along."

The group cringed and turned to hide from Lady Tremaine, seeing at the château wasn't too far from their spot.

"No, Mother!" Anastasia replied, surprising everyone. "You're wrong!"

"I've always wanted to hear someone say that to her!" Cherry smirked.

"He's sweet!" Anastasia continued defending her boyfriend. 

"She's wonderful!" the baker added with a smile.

"He's romantic and we're going to the ball together!" Anastasia finished, sharply.

Cinderella smirked, folding her arms and happy for Anastasia. Cherry and Atticus couldn't believe someone was able to tell off Lady Tremaine like that. Anastasia returned to the baker, ignoring her mother and finally standing up for herself.

Lady Tremaine was lost for words. She then shrugged it all off, and returned her strict, stoic expression. "Drizella, come along," she walked off.

Drizella stood there, wide-eyed. She had never heard Anastasia stand up for herself like that, and she was jealous that Anastasia had a boyfriend. First Cinderella marries a prince, Anastasia dates a baker who loves her back, and she's alone and unloved. 

"DRIZELLA!" Lady Tremaine repeated, sharply.

Drizella blinked, then kept looking, but following her mother, obediently.

That night, the ball was on and everyone was celebrating. Cinderella was happy that dreams do come true for folks. She kissed her husband, the prince, happily as Anastasia danced with the baker. Cherry and Atticus were still alone. Lucifer was even having fun with Pom-Pom. 

"Think we'll ever get lucky, sis?" Atticus asked.

"I dunno," Cherry shrugged. "There's someone out there for everyone, apparently. How hard can it be if Anastasia can get a boyfriend?"

"Cherry?" a tiny voice called.

Cherry looked around and saw the boy from when she and Cinderella were trained to become proper princesses. "Oh, hello! Umm... I'm sorry, what was your name again?"

"My name is Robbie, would you like to dance with me?"


Cherry took his hands gently since he was younger and joined, Anastasia and the baker on the dance floor. 

"Ugh, not her too!" Atticus groaned in defeat. 

The couples happily danced together. Anastasia smiled at her new boyfriend. She might get consequences at home, but at least she was now with her own knight in shining armor or prince charming. It was on the inside that counted and she was slowly developing into a much better person than she had used to be. 

"I love you, Anastasia." the baker said, softly, holding her close.

"I love you too, Dmitri." Anastasia sighed, dreamily.

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