Night Routine

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                       Duke's Pov

I woke up and saw my lovely wife Missi still asleep with the baby around her arms I smiled that I was Dad and Missi was a Mom. I got out of the bed and put more pillows for Missi to rest more she needs it eversince we have a new born child. I went to my Libary and grabbed a book called Becoming a father so I sat down on my leather chair and start to read the guide of how to be the perfect father. I read so many pages I was starting to get bored but suddelny I heard a cry and made me jump out of my leather chair and I smile it was the baby crying well I guess it's my turn to take over. I run tords the bedroom and held the baby around my long slender arms and take her with me showing her my castle even though I'll explain to her more when she's a little older. I went to the kitchen and made her a bottle of milk usually I would give her bloody milk but she's human so I fed her the formula and continued to read while taking care of her. She was so beautiful I'm happy to have a baby girl Missi and I can teach her many things well as long is not the feminine things. She finished her bottle and clean it up for her next feeding time she burped in my face which I thought was gross but she was laughing and I smiled. I suddenly heard footsteps coming this way and it was Missi she has awoken.

Duke: Morning Missi ( He kisses her)

Missi: Morning Duke ( She kisses him )

Duke: How did my lovely wife sleep ?

Missi: Oh I slept alright. I see you have the baby in good hands?

Duke: Oh she was crying so I was guessing that she was hungry so I fed her.

Missi: Well I really appreciated that from you.

Duke: Of course it wasn't that bad

Missi: Are you sure?

Duke: Yes I'm sure.

Missi: Duke can I talk to you

Duke: Of course my sweet wife ( He kisses her)

Missi: ( Kisses him ) It's about our baby you know it's suppose to be a vampire right ?

Duke: Of course I do why are you asking?

Missi: I'm not sure you know this but our baby is a human girl and where vampires.

Duke: Your not a full vampire like me because your posssed by my staff which was mine!

Missi: Okay don't start with me.

Duke: So I'm guessing we should treat her as human parents but in reality where vampires.

Missi: Yes but we're going have to make some rules here Mr. So and So~

Duke: What are your saying?

Missi: Don't play like an idiot you know that as a father you can't be smoking, drinking, toying with young girls or women, or killing GOT THAT!? ( She pulls Duke's ear )


Missi: Good .

Duke: I won't do anything like that Okay I love than ever Missi.

Missi: I love you too.

                                                          Missi's Pov

After telling Duke the rules since most of the time he is very stubborn, I was reading a book of becoming a mom and I heard a ring on the bat phone who would be calling this late at night. Y/N was asleep so I answer the phone and it was Daria Cohen my mother yay I love when she calls me. Most of the time I sat in a long black leather chair and chat with my mom and telling her about my life and how I have been and how is it with Duke which is not actually bad. We laughed at moments when we bond and she told me tomorrow her and Admin Chan are going to visit me and Duke to see our baby Y/N I'm was so excited that I told my mom I'll do my best and prepare thing for her visit tomorrow. My mom is a animator and loves going out places and I love her so much. I love Admin Chan too me and her talk about girl moments and her love with gothic style and scary stories and movies to tell. I was so hyped I immediately skip my nightly doze of wine and went to my bed and sleep but of course Duke stop and was widely confused of my acting so hyper and filled with glee. I had butterflies in my stomach as I felt the cold wind blew near the bedroom making my light purple shade velvet hair flow around the air but I fixed so it doesn't get in the way.

Duke: Missi?

Missi: Yes darling?

Duke: Are you okay?

Missi: Yeah fit as a fiddle.

Duke: Your so happy and hyper of something?

Missi: Well I might as well tell you now. My mother Daria is visiting tomorrow along with Admin Chan to see are new born baby.

Duke: Really? That's defiantly great news I'm so glad your mother is coming over. Her and Admin Chan are such beautiful ladies~

Missi: DUKE!!!!!!

Duke: I'm just saying beautiful ladies~ That's all I'm not thinking of anything else.

Missi: Good. You better be on your best behavior tomorrow or I'll pound you!

Duke: I will dearie you can count on me~

Missi: Alright glad we can get that taking care off.

Duke: Indeed.

Missi: I'm going to bed now but before that I'm going to make sure Y/N is going to be okay.

Duke: Okay if you need me I'll be outside playing my guitar.

Missi: Not too loud since me and are baby will be alseep.

Duke: ( Chuckles) It's just a lullaby

Missi: Fine.

                       Missi's Pov

I did my night routine by checking on Y/N and wrapped her around my arms since she was up way past her bed time even me I needed to get some sleep. I place her down to the bedroom and grab a diaper bag, wipes, baby powder and new pair of pajamas that just her size.

 I place her down to the bedroom and grab a diaper bag, wipes, baby powder and new pair of pajamas that just her size

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This is a pale pink nightgown that Duke got for her I wanted her to wear it tonight it's one of my favourites. I change Y/N's diaper and she went pee a lot luckily she didn't squirt on me that wouldn't be been humiliating. I toss the dirty diaper in the bag, put the power around her area and put the new diaper on her and getting the nightgown on her and she look so adorable. I clean up and took Y/N's near the window as I hear Duke playing his guitar it was soothing and I point at the moon that was asleep and so many stars out tonight.

I place Y/N in the crib and kiss her forhead and went to bed and get some rest for the big night tomorrow

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I place Y/N in the crib and kiss her forhead and went to bed and get some rest for the big night tomorrow.

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