Another Vampire!?

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Please sir I just want to go home with my mom and dad!

You pleaded hands folded looking at the man dressed in white.

?: You consider those two vampires your parent's!?

Yes my father held me while my mom was giving birth and they looking for me right now.

?: Young one you seem not to understand. A human can't be born from vampires only humans are born with two humans do you get what I'm saying?

Not really....

?: Look I know your mother and father their not greatest with kids.

Sure they arw I am their daughter and why are you keeping me here locked up not letting me see them again.

?: I just want to keep you safe. I am Dave a vampire who's apparently a good one. My brother is Duke he's irresponsible and makes people's life hell. I had to leave him and start new his actions and influence were not the greatest mother knew before her passing and father well I don't speak to him.

Your Duke's brother.

Dave: Yes and a human like you is a perfect target for my brother and his wife. They will feed off you and leave you to rot.

That can't be true no I'm leaving my parent's need me.

Dave: What's your name?


Dave: How can two vampires give birth to a human girl this is unacceptable!

Do you need time to calm down you seem very tense.

Dave: Just the stress and isolation I've been alone for years not until I found out my brother was going to be a father.

My father didn't tell me that he had a brother.

Dave: He didn't want to to know because I'm the complete opposite of him. I'm like the angel that fell from the sky trying protect innocent souls like you.

What are you going to do with me?

Dave: I'll provide any thing that you want and you can come live with me instead. I know you seem to have parent's who care but there evil and will end up turning against you.

I don't know what's happening?

Dave: It's good not to know now you need to rest I hope I didn't scare you a lot if yes then I'm sorry.

Dave bows down to you place his white glove hand into yours holding you tight.

Dave: I will do the best I can to provide for you and help you be normal away from those evil vampires.

                    Y/N's Pov

You were sitting on the couch drinking grape as you see Dave making a sandwich while whistling a tune. You pulled out a book called The Good One read a few pages but closed since it related to the situation you were in being human raised by two vampires. You kneel down and pray hoping that your parent's are not lying or evil sure they not be the greatest at things but you loved time deeply. You banged your head against the pillow looking at the ceiling thinking will your parent's come and find you or leave you like you were unwanted?

Meanwhile in the car  Daria and Admin Chan were in the backseats watching Duke driving the car the as he gripped on the steering wheel and had a feeling knowing that Y/N must be in a diffrent castle because he's been having nightmares that a good apprentice has taken her away from him and Missi. He went onto turbo thinking the voice in his head as Missi rubs his shoulder a little from the rage inside.

Missi: Calm down Duke we'll find our daughter.

Duke: I know but..... UGH THAT BASTARD!

Duke pulls hard on the pedal and the the car hits multiple into a ground pit which burst into flames.


Admin Chan: Daria has Duke lost it?

Daria: Well he lost it a long time ago. Since when did you start caring about Y/N?

Duke: I don't know when me and Missi treated her special because she means a lot to us. Even at times where me and Missi you know

Missi: ( Slaps him) DUKE KNOCK IT OFF!

Duke: Sorry got carried away.

Missi: One of the best moments I cherished with Y/N is when I started to read vampire stories to her and she writes her own about me and Duke which was so adorable.

Duke: My favorite moment with Y/N is when I let her tried wine for the first time.


Duke: She thought it was cherry juice

Missi: Ugh your unbelievable at times.


Missi: I don't know now

Duke: HEY! I'm not that bad

Admin Chan: You're kind of bad.

Daria: Oh your worse.

Duke: SHUT UP!

Back In The White Castle

You were asleep you checked and see were Dave was but no sign of him. You decided to wander around the castle it was huge but gorgeous. Everything thing was blue and white guess that was Dave's colors. You kneel to see a glass on the floor of a picture appearing to be your father and Dave his brother getting along. You also seen a yellow noted paper with the words The unborn child must die! You toss crumble the paper up and picked the glass up SLICED.... the glass hit your skin you look at the door to see it open. You started to run and end up into the garden but looked over to see your hand raw and  bloody from the piece of glass. You heard footsteps heading to the white rose bushes a hand toss you down onto the ground.


Dave: Oh I've been looking everywhere for you? Are you hurt?

Dave looks at your bloody hand he stuck out his fangs but turns away fighting back he did not want to be like his brother feeds off human's blood. He gave her a towel and walked her back to the castle.

Dave: Where you trying to escape?

No I just needed some fresh air.

Dave: Don't lie to me I know you were trying to leave going back to your parent's. I see you went through my thing's I understand your curious and have no clue what's happening but truth be told you cannot live on this earth from vampire parents.

What? Dave I'm not a vampire but my parent's are they have done nothing wrong please hear me out.

Dave: I'm sorry Y/N you are a sweet child but this has to be done.

Dave what are doing? Please... don't do this. I'll be good or maybe I can change.

Dave places sliver gun on your head he stands back using the knife to rip your dress leaving you nude in front of him.

Dave: You blood is related to a vampire and keeping in touch with one is against the humans. You have no bite marks, or spots but deep down your vains your blood consumes a vampire.

Dave place his glove onto your neck and down your torso. He makes you kneel down as you cry begging him to stop and hear her out.


Dave: It will be all over soon the pain will go away.

The window crash as a car hits one of the statues Dave turns around to see he has company.

Dave: Duke it's been a long time.

Duke: Dave....

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