Daria's and Admin Chan's Visit

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First One Is Daria Cohen

This Is Admin Chan
Art By Daria Cohen love it!!!!

This Is Admin ChanArt By Daria Cohen love it!!!!

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                    Missi's Pov

I got out of bed and got ready put the same dress I always wear then brush my light purple shade velvet short hair. I woke up Y/N and got her dress to in this cute gothic style dress I found that would be the best since my mother and Admin Chan prefir the that kind of clothing style.

I smile at Y/N and hugged her that she looked so frickin adorable then I heard footsteps down the stairs looks my my husband was already up or maybe up the whole night I should assume.

Duke: Hello My beloved wife~ ( Kisses her )

Missi: Hello My dear husband ~ ( Kisses him)

Duke: Looks at this~ Is that my #1 baby daughter in the whole world~ You look so cute and precious~ Yes you are ~ Yes you are~

( Duke was pinching Y/N's cheeks and giving her so many kisses )

Duke: Ohhh~ Your so going to get spoiled~

Missi: Oh look at the time! I have to prepare things for my mom's visit .

Duke: You'll do that and I'll watch are daughter .

Missi: Okay don't do anything stupid!

Duke: Gotcha ~

                       Duke's Pov

I love to spend time with my daughter although she's not a vampire like me and Missi she is still very important to me. How is me and Missi going to explain to Daria and Admin Chan that are daughter is human but I'll won't worry about that right now. I was lifting Y/N back and forth and read her a story about bats and so many kinds of them and shadows too which me and Missi can turn into. I also fed her milk in usual baby bottle and wrapped her around my arms singing to her a lullaby I made up on my own but I thought wait she can't fall asleep she has to be wide awake. Why do I even bother. I showed her how to draw stuff like bats, apples, blood,  wine bottles and glasses, also maybe some ladies~ I'm such a good father. Missi came in saw me and her were drawing and she turns red that I drew a sexy girl with blonde hair and pink highlights wearing a reveling red night gown legs exposed. Then Missi  immediately tear the picture out and kick me up my chin and I fell down the ground.


Duke: OWWWWWEEEE....No one will know okay vampires draw and do stuff like this!

Missi: When will you relize that are daughter is not like us she's...( Grabs Duke by his vest and yells) SHE'S HUMAN!!!!!!!

Duke: Okay...Okay I'm sorry Missi. ( Kisses her) I didn't mean to I just wanted her to stay awake.

Missi: ( Kisses him back) I would have a kick your ass right now but I have a lot to do and your lucky I love you.

Duke: Thank you Missi I love you so much ( Kisses her more and hugs her)

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