What Came To This

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Y/N! Your mother Missi shouted as she dash to you put Dave kept the gun directly on your forhead that he wasn't playing no games.

Do you seriously want your own daughter to die right here and now? Dave questions

LEAVE HER ALONE IT'S ME YOU WANT NOT HER! Duke said clinching his fists ready to fight.

No calm down brother I should have know that you have a temper.

What are we going to do Duke? Missi said looking at her expression filled with fear.

Missi don't let Dave in your mind are job and duty is to get back our daughter.

Duke my brother why don't we chat before I put a bullet in your daughters skull~

Duke complied and sat down Y/N still on the ground helpless the gun directly on her forhead.

Now dear brother what would you like to talk about?

Let Y/N go you can do anything to me but leave my daughter out of this.

What about your wife Missi


Oh your prize figures your wife and daughter that's what makes you so angry if anyone lays a finger on them I find that exciting Duke. I'm only do this for your own good you and your wife are vampire's but the evil kind. Your daughter is human but the blood inside her is vampire blood that's why the only way to destroy the spread from more evil vampire's like you is to extinct them.

Dave you don't have to do this Y/N is different compare to any vampire's she's pure innocent and human.

In the living yes but when she dies her body will vein from the vampire's blood turning her to your own kind.


Yes I am quite a shame but I was bitten by one of your kind my looks and how I dress fit my like a angel truth be told I'm the vampire hunter~

Dave smiles pulling the Missi swings the staff at Dave's arm to miss the bullet. Missi grabs the staff and fighting David as Duke finds a sword to fight his brother.

Missi take care of Y/N I'll finish off my brother.


I'll be alright I'm immortal remember

My dear brother not with this gun that vampire can easily be turn into ash.


Missi holds onto Y/N using a white long towel to cover her exposed body as the two head to the exit door.

Did Dave hurt you? Missi said

No.... he...he just wanted my blood


Because his blood is from the evil vampire's and taking mine alive can give the immortal life of good.

I'm not letting that bastard take your blood! Missi said hold you tightly around the arms.

Your kind make me sick Duke that's why your daughter is the only key for my awakening to a new life~


Duke slash a tear on Dave's right should blood dripped down as he tackled down onto the ground pulling of his knifes as Duke kicked Dave's face making him drop the knife then started to punch him violently with pure rage. Dave's grabs the stabs Duke in his left chest pinning him against the wall as he digged the knife deeper Duke groaning in pain blood and black blood mixed pouring down as Duke barely couldn't keep his eyes open.

Dear brother I'm sorry for doing this.

DUKE!!!!!!! Missi shouted running to him seeing how much blood was coming down.

Oh no Duke...I still hate you and your a bastard but I cannot lose you.

Missi hugs Duke on her kness crying from her husband as he place his hand around her back looking at her tears.

Missi.... You're not so bad after all he replied smiling a little.

Y/N looked to see her father on the wall bleeding from the knife.

Dad! You cried holding him close.

We have to get that knife out of you fast! You shouted as your fragile hands were pulling to get the blade out.

Y/N you must run Dave is around her I'll try to get your father out.

Mom is Dad going to die? You said tears pouring down but your mother Missi comfort you saying your father Duke will be okay.

Or is he~

DAVE STOP! You yelled but Dave grabbed onto Missi chocking her to death as she hits him with the staff more and bitting into his flesh he slapped her on the ground and pulls her back up grinning.

Your Duke's wife Missi that's very sweet too bad you have to go since you have vampire blood don't worry I'll make it quick and easy.

LET FUCKER! Missi yelled her head against the as he pulled on her arms she screamed in agony Dave was going to pull her arms apart.

Dave! A voice called giving him the attention.

LET HER GO NOW! You were holding a golden cross around your heart pointing directly at him.

YOU SHALL NOT HARM MY PARENT'S BY THE LORD IN VEIN FROM DAY AND NIGHT YOU PAY FOR YOUR SINS! You shouted holding the cross as Dave begins to chuckles and goes forward to you.

My dear child you have no idea what your trying to do. A vampire hunter like me are not affected to crosses like this one.

Dave pulls the cross away stepping on it with his white heel. You turned away but he grabs your hand crushing your bones.

UAaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! You yelled and fell onto the ground.

You'll never learn dear child but no worries it will all be over soon. Dave said ripping your towel with the knife and hitting your head against the wall using the knife to pierce your body with bloody cuts over your back and arm. He prick his finger having a taste.

You have the vampire blood in you.


I can't but it's up to you in the after life you'll be like your parent's I'm the only one who can prevent that from happening just for one bite.


You flinched kicking Dave in the ball sack he groans as you make your way to your father who was still blood all over him and the knife still inside you crawled to him reaching out your hand covered in cuts and blood tears controlled your eyes as your vision became blurry.

Dad.... Was all you can say still reaching out to him as your face was on the ground getting trying to get up Dave was on top of you extending his fangs. You closed your eyes repeating your father's name over and over holding on your last breath.


Something broke off Duke was still but something hit inside his heart from the words of his daughter. Pure darkness surrounds the surface and the blood soaks in into a huge black shadow red eyes growing bigger and bigger. You laid there dizzy the cuts affecting from the situation there was nothing but fury taking over and the sky was a hellish red. Duke pulls out the knife tossing onto the ground and tackles Dave ripping out his heart that was blue instead of red.


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