The Truth

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                      Y/N's Pov

You got up from your bed and rub your eyes and you turn around and didn't see your father next to you. Then your know that tonight you been waiting for the truth from your mother and father. You were still in your birthday dress and you slide down the stairs and leap to the main hall and you saw your mother and father at the living room. Your father smoking his pipe had a unpleasant look and your mother grooming Minose you and she didn't look so happy either. You start to look a little worry and tip toe tords the stairs but your father fingers start to snap and point tords you he wants you to come here. You did what as you were told and was standing near the wall and your mother and father start to talk.

Duke: Y/N I know your here to know the truth between me and your mom.

Missi: Yes the truth but we can't...

Y/N: Why not?

Duke: Y/N you just don't understand of how me and your mother feel about this.

Y/N: understand! Look I'm A/N and you kept this for so long and it's not fair at all!

Missi: Y/N please your father and I want to protect you and be safe. Y/N....

Duke: Y/N I think you should go to your room .


Missi: We just can't .

Y/N: So this is how it's going to be? My blood related only mother and father keeping secrets from there own daughter. I'm not going to my room.

Duke: Yes you are don't push it Y/N.

Missi: Will talk more about this another time.

Y/N: NO!

Duke and Missi: NO? ( Shock and irritated)


Duke: Y/N I'm not telling you again GO TO YOUR ROOM!


Duke: Y/N!


( Duke slaps Y/N's face and she slaps him back and she ran torwards the stairs and he grabs her dress pulling her back and Missi begs Duke to stop it and Y/N's screams as the dress rips a little her legs showing a little and the top torn a little as she cries and kicks and whimpers and screams more and Missi whacks Duke's face with the staff.


Y/N: ( Stops tears come down and she runs tords the stairs her face had a red blood cut on her cheek and her legs full of claw marks and Duke grabs her and begs her to stay but she didn't want to)


Y/N: ( Stops and turns slowly ) What?

Duke: A Vampire.

Missi: So I'm I . Your father and I kept it a secret on the day you were born and I was human when I met Duke but control but his staff made turn into a vampire and since you have my gene you were born human. I married Duke as a vampire but part of my human genes were into you. So you are human by me and you only turn into a vampire by the staff or your father bites you. I'm hope that doesn't happen but it will for purposes.

Y/N: Why didn't tell me this before.

Duke: We just couldn't.

Missi: Y/N we're so sorry that we didn't tell you this sooner or later.

Y/N: I..I..just want to be alone ( Sniffles and go to her room)

Missi's Pov

I got up trying not to cry but I more pissed off at Duke from hitting Y/N and grabbing her dress making it torn and ruined. Duke looked at me and grab my against the wall and he starts to kiss me on the lips all over it felt so nice but I was mad and depart the kiss from his lips to mine but he kept grabbing me more and we kissed and kissed but I push him on the ground.

Missi: Do you have any idea what you have done?

Duke: I know what I did. I feel guilty of my actions.

Missi: You should feel guilty!

Duke: I didn't mean to hit, scratch or grab her like that. I'm so so sorry Missi I'm a horrible father.

Missi: Your not a horrible father you just need to learn control your actions.

Duke: I know I do but I love you so much Missi.

Missi: I love you too Duke.

( Duke and Missi kiss each other and they kiss more and more going up there room and close the door shut and Duke got on top of Missi and she undress Duke's vest showing his chest and Duke takes off the top part of Missi's dress and they lay down and had some fun)

Y/N's Pov

You didn't know what to you feel about the truth was finally being told to you and you felt sick to your stomach and lay on your bed crying all over and got up look at yourself tords the mirror and saw you like a mess. Your dress torn and show a little of your breasts and your legs nothing but ton of scratches and the left cheek of yours a bloody scar and a purple bruise on your right shoulders and hair messy from your father also grabbing it. You felt guilty the way you also act tords your parents and decided to gets some sleep near the window sitting on the edge of the window seel and feel asleep there the window closed seeing nothing but so many stars.

A couple hours later

Duke's Pov

Oh I had tons of fun with my wife Missi as I lay back and cuddle her close and smoke a cigar after some sex and she was sipping some of her wine. I felt so relaxed and of course she forgave me after that experience and I kept telling her how much I love her she giggles and she whispers how much she loves me. Missi falls asleep wrapping her arms around mine and I held her close. After a couple minutes I kissed her forhead and went to Y/N's room to see how she was doing. I slowly open the door places a bouquet of flowers that all her favorite kinds and put them all in a vase and I walk forward to her and kneel down seeing her asleep by the window and I saw the way she is making me have tears come down my eyes and I kiss her forhead and comfort her stroking her hair and kissing her cheeks and making sure that she was warm. I whisper to her ear " I'm so sorry my precious Y/N, Please forgive me I love you ~ . I Kissed her forhead and went back to my room and slept with my wife Missi. I hope things are better tomorrow.

To Be Continued~

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