The Search Party

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                                                                                   Missi's Pov

I woke up scratching the back of my head and kept hearing snoring and I turned around seeing Duke cuddling with his candy claw plush wrapped around his slender arms. I just rolled my eyes and got out of bed freshen up and pour myself a glass of red whine since vampires don't touch human food no mater how hard they try it just very disgusted by every taste in there mouth. I sat down on the dinning table thinking to myself about what happen last night then I dropped my glass and the red whine spilled all over the black rug and I dashed upstairs to check on Y/N to see if she's okay. By the time I reached the stairs I knock on the door but she didn't respond so I knocked it again nothing. I felt like something wasn't right she would always respond to me even Duke when we both knock but I had no choice it was the only solution. I use my heel and give the door a really good kick and the door swung open I went inside of Y/N's room and check on her bed pull the covers but she was gone. I felt my heart stopped and was going to faint but I stood myself up and search everywhere around the room. I checked under the bed, the closet, wardrobe, window and even around the hallways there was no luck she was gone. I dashed out of Y/N's room and jumped on the bed and shaking my husband back and forth to wake him up and let him know that are daughter is missing.


Duke: GAAAAAAHH! Missi it's still early night what is it did you have a nightmare?


Duke: You mean Y/N?

Missi: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Duke: AAAAAHHH ( Runs to a telephone) What number do you dial for 911?

Missi: ( Makes a face palm) We don't need them to solve this case!

Duke: What are we suppose to do panic!!!???

Missi: No I'll call for a search party and I know the exact 2 darlings that they can help .

                     Daria's Pov

I got up from my bed and eat some vegan food and add my own set of toppings it was exactly tasty this time well I'll get use to being vegan I can create so many dishes since I can cook. I washed my hands brush my hair put it up in a ponytail and start my day and see how much more animations do I have to complete. Yes quite a lot and more editing oh joy. I noticed my phone ringing and I unlock my screen swiped it and saw a phone call it was from my daughter Missi.

Daria: Hello Darkling this is Daria speaking?

Missi: Mom oh great your hear I need your help with something very very important bring Admin Chan along with you.

Daria: Okay Missi what's going on?

Missi: I'll explain everything once you arrive at the castle just please hurry.

Daria: Okay we're on are way .

I got Admin Chan and told her to get ready and freshen up we took my car drove from my house to the peaceful and creepy woods we soon arrived at the castle. Instead of going in slow this time I ran and Admin Chan followed me in and telling me to calm down it was hard having no idea why Missi needed me and Admin Chan in the first place it would have been better if she told us before we head out. It didn't matter we were here Missi hugged my right away and was shaking. I hugged her back and took a look at Duke he seem very worry and not quite himself.

Missi: Guys Y/N is missing .

Daria: WHAT!!!???

Admin Chan: Oh no the poor ghoulfriend.

Missi: Yes and I need all of your help to help track her down. She is still out there I know it.

Admin Chan: When was the last time that you saw her?

Missi: When Duke scold at her then she ran to her room and I didn't do nothing I let this happen.

Daria: No, no, no Darling she's your daughter she loves you and missing you right now. Your both far away from each other.

Duke: It's all my fault if I wasn't so hard on her she wouldn't been gone .

Missi: Duke you may be screw up but please this is not on you for once.

Duke: Really?

Missi: Yes will all look for Y/N together.

Duke: Okay Missi.

Admin Chan: Let's try to go back to your daughter's room and see if there's some evidence from her disappearance.

Daria: Go idea Admin Chan let's go.

                      Missi's Pov

We all went to Y/N's room that was the last time me and Duke saw her then we checked underneath her bed, her dresser, paintings, pictures, books and the window Duke found something he use the tip of his finger to tap the glass part of it was cracked and he looked down and saw a piece of clothing it was part of the dress that Y/N's wore. Duke had a bad feeling about and already knew who had took his daughter. He held on to the piece of cloth and ran off down the stairs grab a custom cane and looks like a phantom mask and some elegant clothing black suit with white ruffles all over the chest area and buttons then he put on gloves and told us to follow him and sure enough we did. I had no idea what the heck Duke was wearing a outfit like that he looks like something from Phantom of the opera to be honest even Daria and Admin Chan made weird faces but will figure it out later. Instead of flying Duke brings his car out and I didn't know he had a car THIS IDIOT KEEPING SECRETS FROM ME! After that we all hopped in and Duke shut the door then put his heel on the accelerator and put it on drive we all had are seatbelts on and hold on tight. Duke is a wreackless driver I hope we all make it alive or try not get in trouble by the law or a car crash I will kill him.

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