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                                                                                         ? Pov
I watched the innocent soul sleep the poor dearie was beaten and tormented by her own mother and father and didn't want her to end up this way she's only Y/A. The only question was why is she human even though she was born by two vampires as parents. I look more upon the window she was a beauty she is but I know this seem wrong and I will never forgive myself for doing this but it was the only way to protect her. I slowly open.  the window made a loud creek as I step inside with my white heels clicking a little and sweat down my white skin. My white pointy ears aware the sounds if I get caught my pure red eyes stare down at the innocent soul. I press my finger on her skin she was okay but what did some vampires have to be so cruel. I grab the innocent soul and wrapped my arms around her to keep her warm and place one of her blankets to let her sleep I wouldn't mind her staying by at my place. Just until things go back to normal or if her parents are going to look for me. I rub her back a little and went back to the window and of course I'm a complete cluts I slip on the concrete and yelp a little and I panic and catch the innocent soul tightly and kissed her forhead keeping her warm. I closed the window door shut and jump of and land on the grass while carrying her while she was asleep. Instead of turning into my white shadow form I walk by every heel I took on the streets, sidewalk and concrete. I suddenly felt her arms moving and her eyes not still but trying to open she was walking what I'm I going to do now? If she wakes up and she's that I'm like taking her away from her home of course she'll never forgive me and go straight to her parents but I will not harm her I'm not evil but what if I'm the real bad guy. I just didn't what to think at first. She open her eyes and gasps and scream as loud as she can so her parents can hear her but I had to. I covered her mouth and shush her.

?: Shhh!!!! Quiet you'll get me caught.

Y/N: That's the whole point! HELP ME!!!!!!! HELP!!!! ( Screams more)

?: SHHHHHH!!!!! I MEAN IT! ( Covers her mouth and grabs her by the waist )

Y/N: Why should I trust you! You're taking me away to somewhere I don't even know! ( Pulls more)

?: You just don't understand how this is hard for me and you. I promise you I will not kill or harm you.

Y/N: NO! LET GO OF ME! ( She bites his hand)

?: GAHH!!!!!! ( He kneels down with the bloody bite mark ) NOW I'M REALLY MAD!

                        Y/N's Pov

You bite the stranger in white and fell down on the ground it was now your chance to escape as you got up and dash to the back to the street area of the castle. You were panicking and breathing at the same time running to the cemetery and you yelled out your mother and father but they wouldn't respond to you since probably they were asleep or wanted some along time. You stop yourself from running and took a quick glance seeing if he was there which he wasn't so you decided to hide somewhere around the cemetery but where. You hide in a couple of graves and tombstone as you heard heels clicking but it wasn't your father it was the stranger in all white. You saw a river down the patchy grass and near a bridge maybe if you hide under the bridge and underwater he won't see you. Without any doubt you took a short cut out of the cemetery and dive into the deep water and hide under the bridge and wait until he passed and go back to the castle since you found another short cut. You waited there for a good amount of time but the only thing was that kept bothering you is that was the stranger in all white going to pass by or not. You didn't want to wait too much longer but I as you reach back the surface the sound of heels clicking were coming forward to the direction that you were at. You immediately duck your head and whole body deep underwater and try to hold your breath but it was impossible by this stranger in white was taking his sweet time. The sound of the bridge made a CREEK by the tip of his heel walking forward and backwards. You felt like that you were going to drown and no one will never know that your dead. The sound of heels was now fating away and you jump out and mouth full of water as you cough and bump a little of your chest. Now you were soak and wet. Your birthday dress smelled like frogs, dirt and torn up and your body was now ice cold since the night was chilly. You place your delicate fingers around your shoulders and start to shiver and smoke came out of your cold breath. You took one more quick glance and you start to swim back to shore but felt a cold hand grab your hair making you pull back under the bridge you started to scream and kick the stranger in white as his hands grabbed your neck and choke you from your insides. You manged to breath and hold onto his body and he also fell with you. You leap out and landed on the ground you cough out the water and the mix of blood keeping inside of you forever stuck. You were now soak, many cuts and bruises all over and you didn't want to go anymore longer but you heard a sound of a chainsaw the engine roar by the direction you were at. You force yourself to get your ASS OUT OF THERE! Now you were running and lost what the hell did this stranger in white wants with you. You scream all over the woods and made back to the cemetery reaching your hand on the door main entrance to the castle. You were going to make and right way go to your parents. You felt your head being whack by a huge blade then the blood drip on the tip of your head and you were trembling to keep balance. Your vision became blurry and your fingers touch the blood dripping all over your face then your eyes were closing and feeling dizzy you didn't see nothing but you did hear a voice as your collapse on the ground 

?: I'm so sorry please forgive innocent soul but you wouldn't cooperate with me.

To Be Continued~

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