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Blood...the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body. It's in all of us and they are many kinds. The one flow inside my veins in the vampire's blood because both my parent's are vampire's but there not evil but why do other's despised them unless they have something special inside. Majority of human's plus vampire's have something but what? You said to your self walking in a deep blue ocean but two voice kept calling out your name.

There so much blood... but I'm not wounded nor bitten unless it's my mind reiterating little by little that's must be why these drips of blood is all over.

I'm bleeding from not the pain.... I'm bleeding from feeling broken almost losing my parent's.

DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! Duke yelled stabbing Dave's blue heart six times Missi walks close to him and grabbed his arm forcing him to stop.

DUKE STOP HE'S DEAD ENOUGH! Missi yells holding onto her husband's arm tightly.

Missi I just want him dead and never to come back that's why I'm doing this Duke said holding onto his wounded chest.

Duke your bleeding I'll go get help Missi said running out the door.

MISSI WAIT! Duke shouted back until she left Duke walks to your body collapsed from the lost of blood and wounds all over. Duke kneels down picking up took off his cape wrapping your exposed body around to keep you warm.

No one will hurt when I'm around Duke said stroking your hair.

Missi comes back with help of course it was police but Duke will erase there mermories later.

Come with us Y/N the officer said but Duke didn't want to let go of you he fighted and one officer holds him back.

Sir your wounded get him to the nearby hospital right away.

Miss are you hurt one of the officer's asked.

No I'm fine thank you I just want my husband and daughter to be better soon she said holding the staff behind her back so they won't see.

Missi turns into a shadow and goes to the nearby hospital watching over her husband Duke he only had pants on from the wound. Missi opens the curtains a little since it was night and no doctors were around.

Duke? Missi said sitting down on a chair still holding the staff.

Ugh... fake sleeping sucks I prefir to sleep actually but with human's have to had my identity.

Just rest up you're going to need it. You are so brave and a devoted husband and you saved Y/N's. I know I can be a bitch and make you filled with rage but I've never seen you that furious ever before I meet you. Missi admits her hand on Duke's her warm touch to his cold touch.

Duke I love you...Missi said with a smile

Duke face turn red a little and he laughs a little.

Ummm Missi are you like drunk or something? Duke said laughing awkwardly.

No I'm being serious everything you done for me, caring for me, being a pain in the ass, affection, having a baby and we our parent's Duke you'll always be forever mine. Missi said with a stern look and kisses Duke lips.

Missi I love you too Duke said kissing her on the lips as they holding each other close. The kiss was pure innocent and love.

What are we going to with Y/N she's a target? Missi said pulling away from Duke's lips and looking down on the ground.

Missi we'll figure out something she'll always be here with us Duke said his hand on her shoulder.

You're right we shouldn't worry so much you need time to get better so as our daughter Missi said looking at the night sky as Duke sneaks behind her holding her around the waist.

Now knock it off Missi said using her heel to kick Duke on the knee making him whine like a baby.

Owwweee that hurts Duke said his hands on his knee.

Then don't do that Missi said smirking at him.

Oh I have a perfect idea to keep Y/N safe Duke said raising his finger.

Wait could that be Missi said crossing her arms in a snarky tone.

Let's get her a disguise so no one know who she really is think about no one will know it's truely her. Duke said clapping his hands with stars sparkling around him.

What kind of disguise Missi said raising an eyebrow.

Easy a Play bunny girl Duke said winking.

YOU'RE SUCH A BASTARD THAT'S YOU'RE DAUGHTER! Missi snapped back punching his white nose.

You and your dirty thoughts better not make Y/N influence or I'll send you back to hell Missi threatened to him.

Okay fine I'm sorry yes that is too much but I'm just saying wondering how that play bunny girl outfit would look on her?

DUKE! Missi growls purple flames burts around the room.

Okay, okay, okay scratched that out Duke said putting his hands out.

I've have something better my older sister wore it last year I think it's still good Missi said.

OH NESSA RIGHT! Missi glares back at him.

Ohhh....Nessa right... Duke stays silent.

Anyway if she dresses like a nun no one will it's her and human's plus more vampire's can leave us the hell alone Missi said raising up her hands.

How is a nun outfit like that is going to work Duke said doesn't really like the nun idea.

Simple whoever talks to her or approaches her all she has to do is be a nun say good things and think about other's.

OH BLEH AAAHH THAT'S DISGUSTING! Duke said holding back his vomit.

Yours is no better a bunny play girl outfit come Duke you can do way better. Missi said walking to the door.

Hey what about a witch sexy one right? Duke said his eyes sparkling.

You are an disgrace I can see why me and you argue all the time Missi said leaving the room.

I'm going to see Y/N in her room and where keeping the nun outfit Duke so don't burn it Missi said.

Y/N Missi said hugging her daughter.

Hi mom how's dad you said rubbing your eyes a little.

Oh your father is just fine. He's recovering from the knife wound but by tomorrow he'll be back to his vampire self Missi said holding you close.

That's good to hear mom.

WHAT ABOUT A BRIDE LIKE PRETEND SHE'S GETTING MARRIED MISSI! Duke said arriving at your room his nose close to your face having no idea what's going on.

Y/N YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED! Duke shouted filled with pride as you were bright red and passed out.

See what you did to her! Missi gives Duke a death glare.

Too much? Duke said

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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