In The White Castle

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                           ? Pov

I felt tears coming down my eyes as I ran to my white castle while carrying the innocent soul around my arms. The smell and the drips of new breathtaking sweet scent of her blood made me licks my lips and my eyes glowed for a deep hunger since I haven't taste blood for 2 years but her blood looking on it that I want to feast on but NO! I WILL NOT! I finally arrive at the white castle set her down on the white long couch big mistake since she was wet and all covered in blood but I myself can get messy at times so it would bother me after I help her I'll clean up this place. In the bathroom of course since I'm a vampire myself I don't have a reflection but I stared down of the blood on my fingers and my white suit oh god it's everywhere. I couldn't control it anymore I lick the blood from my white pale fingers and use my suck the blood off my suit then I was laughing like a maniac and took my white heels off, white pants and my white suit. I took the left side of my molecule off and saw my disgusting left eye the color just pure black and blood stains but nothing couldn't stop the pain I felt going further and further. I lay in the white tub my whole naked body exposed and trying to think of the postives for once. I was thinking about my mother and father of one had past and the other left us to be on our own. I was also thinking of my long lost brother even though unlike him I'm a hero and he's a villain. I put some soap around my white long legs, arms and rub the rest around my stone cold chest and place my white top hat on the edge of the tub and duck my whole face in the tub and got back up and lay back making some bubbles and looked at the starry sky. It always make me smile of so many stars can be in the whole sky only at night and I am nocturnal. As I think to myself I felt like I was forgetting something important. I put my white hat back on my head and place my molecule on the left side of my eye and slept for decent couple of minutes but it felt like forever.

                                                                             Y/N 's Pov

You woke up in a comfy long white couch and you suddenly gasps and turned around as saw the castle you were in was nothing but white everywhere. You got up and walked around the hallways still in your damp birthday dress and the wounds around your body from the huge fight you had mostly with your father and now you kidnapped and in different castle that remind you of your father and mothers but it was all white. You stop and open the door slowly and now you were close to the bathroom and saw a man in white. His hat covering his face which made difficult for you to tell that do you recognize him. You slowly creep up upon him and saw that he was asleep but wrapped around his wet cold stone chest was a golden key and your mind was full of curiosity and wondered where did it lead to. You slowly reach your hand out and touch part of his chest making your turn red hot of how this was very unusual that you have done. You pull the key out and grab it around your sweaty hands and place the into your chest for later. Then you immediately got out of the large bathroom and shut the door close and wander around the rest of the white castle. You roamed around the white halls with very elegant portraits of famous people or detail art paintings. You open another door must been for storage since nothing you see was papers scramble on the floor, old raggedy suits, lamps, lots of dirty white heels, books on the ground, also many black bags oozy the color red. You didn't even feel like bothering looking all the stuff so you closed the door and went another door that was very huge this must be the stranger in whites room. You open the wardrobe nothing but the same white suits and different all kinds of white outfits. You up a little cabinet nothing but the same molecule place in a glass case. You closed it and you kneel down under the bed picking old fashion journals with feather full of ink. Also a bag of ketchup chips from LAYS. You decided to lay on the bed and have a good rest. The white mattress had 3 lairs, the white pillows were so soft and comfy, the bed sheet smelled like Daisy's shriveled in petals. 

                                                                                   ?'s Pov

I got up from my quick slumber and stretch my naked exposed white body and wrapped a white towel around my waist to cover my private. I blow dry my black slick hair and place my white top hat on my head and placing a new white suit back on. I was ready and head out of the bathroom and whistle a tune roaming around the halls my white heels clicking back and forth. I also went to one of the white doors and pick out a cane that suits me today. I press my finger on all 50 canes I have and look at the one that was screaming for excitement as I pick a can that had a white stick handle and a white smiley face with a molecule it defintely describes my mood always full of sunshine and happiness. I walk with my new cane back to the living room to see how was the innocent was doing so far. I gave my cane a twirl and had white smile showing my bright sharp fangs that I was going to introduce myself to her but the time I got there she wasn't there on the white couch. Now I was suspicious but another feeling is she doesn't know why I took her in the first place and guessing that she wants to come home. I do not want to hurt her all I wanted was her to be safe. I open the door leading to my room I saw her sleeping peacefully on my white bed as I sat beside her putting a finger up her chin so I can read her mind and in her thoughts was sadness, exhaustion, and drifting away I feel awful of what she's going through if she can only trust me I can try to help her out. 

?: You don't have to be afraid I just want to help you.

Y/N: ( Gasps and punches his nose and runs off )

?: Okay I literally had enough of this running and chasing back and forth I'm tired! ( Snaps his fingers and the white door closes and locked)

Y/N: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! ( Bangs and turns back )

?: Now I got you .

Y/N: Eeepp....( Sees the stranger in white walking tords her as she sits down her hands behind her head shuddering)

To Be Continued~

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