Y/N's Birthday

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                       Y/N's Pov

Well it's finally here it was your Y/A birthday and you were shocked of how much you have grown. You first started at small and Daria and Admin Chan were always there keeping you entertain and help you progress. Your mother and father Missi and Duke loved you so much and of course you were discipline since sometimes you acted naughty ( Coughs) By your Dad but mostly you were happy you have a family no matter how they are not like the others. You are going to were the dress that your mother and father bought for you on this special day .
Yes your going to look like an astonishing vampire of all and you blushed by the outfit your going to wear your mom and dad were also getting dress.

 Yes your going to look like an astonishing vampire of all and you blushed by the outfit your going to wear your mom and dad were also getting dress

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Missi your mom was in a nice black gothic dress and long heels with laces and purple and gray belt around her waist. Duke was wearing a nice black suit with a red rose in the pocket and holding a golden bat staff. Wow your family likes to be classy. You stepped outside and looked at your mom and dad who look very well dress and when they looked at you they were shocked .

Y/N: Hi Mom and Dad so what do you think?

Missi: Y/N you look very beautiful.

Duke: Your the most beautiful I ever had. Red always goes best on you~

Y/N: ( Blushed) Thanks ....

Duke: Happy Birthday Darling ~ ( Kisses her cheek )

Y/N: Dad it's just my Y/A birthday it's not important. No matter how many birthdays we celebrate I'm officially going to get old .

Missi: Don't say that Y/N we love you no matter how much you grow so fast. ( Kisses her forhead)

Duke: Yes this is the day your suppose have glee and joy. Now show me that smile~

Y/N: ( She blushed and smiles )

Y/N: That's my girl~

Missi: Let's get going.

Y/N: To wear?

Duke: ( Chuckles) You'll see now hope on. ( Turns into a shadow)

Missi: Don't need to be scare and your father done this many times .

Y/N: Okay ( She hops on Duke's back and they fly tords the night sky )

                     Y/N's Pov

You were scared a little since you don't like being up high but you know that your mom and dad would always be there for me. You arrived at Daria and Admin Chan's house but thought they had an apartment you just realized that now in London. It was one of your birthday wishes to go to London and explore but why would they want you to be here . You saw  nothing but pink rose lanterns and yellow ones and so many white, red and purple lights your face turned red.

Y/N: I told you my birthday is not a big deal.

Duke: ( Chuckles) Oh Y/N they want it to make it special~

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