Heavin-The Climb

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The characters that appear in this fanfic all belong to Miss Jen Calonita, and the series FTRS and RAR. Some chapters will be long, others short, and most will tie together. Unless stated otherwise, the characters are all fifteen/sixteen. 



"If we get caught, you're taking the blame."

"Oh, really?" Heath smirked, looking down at Devin's teasing smile.

She continued climbing, past him, her peach hands soft against the white cobblestone. "Yep. I'm telling your parents you corrupted me."

"Unnecessary. They already think that. At least, Snow does."

"Are you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe." he smirked, dangling off the brick from one hand. His hair flopped upside down as he grinned at her. "Maybe you're corrupting me."

"Shut up, Heathcliff." 

His lips twitched. 

Gradually, Heath picked up speed, passing Devin with ease until he reached the top of the tower. He gripped the edge of the balcony's wall and braced his feet against the cobblestone. Leaning precariously, he pretended to be annoyed. "Hurry up, Deviniara." 

She rolled her eyes, and in a few moments she was leaning beside him. He smiled at her commoner attire-the dark jeans, the pale blue shirt, her tattered brown shoes and her hair in a ponytail. Her eyes lit with amusement, and Heath couldn't help thinking nothing could ever make her less beautiful.

He felt a twinge if guilt when he saw her hands-rubbed raw and scraped from gripping the loose stones of the tower. He'd suggested the climb up here, after all. But he knew she'd like the thrill of it, and her expression was exhilarated. "So?" she asked breathlessly.

Heath shook his head a little, trying to diffuse the stupid smile on his face. "Up here." Heath motioned for her to climb onto the top of the tower, which was really a large circular platform from which to observe the scene.

Devin followed after him, stepping clumsily onto the stone rotunda. Her blue eyes filled with wonder as she surveyed the vision before her. Her lips parted slightly, and Heath couldn't help being a little awestruck himself, despite having seen it a billion times. This place was his escape. For some reason, it felt safe-although, logically, he knew it was anything but.

The sky was sparkling with silvery stars, the spaces between them filled with inky navy colors. The whole of Enchantasia seemed to rest below them; hills upon hills and hundreds of darkened houses. Heath could see farming fields, wooden barns, and the glittering building that was FTRS in the distance. Heath had never been, but as a school full of villains, it must be ten times more interesting than RAR. He used to think if he acted up enough he might get sent there-nope. Heath wasn't going to allow his mind to wander off. He was determined to enjoy this moment with his...girlfriend.

Girlfriend. It sounded right; in his brain, at least. Devin was staying with the Whites (as his guest to the annual White family gala). By convincing his mother that he was practicing his RAR etiquette, he persuaded her to allow Devin to stay a few days before and after the party. She'd been delighted, thinking her delinquent son was actually shaping up to be the prince he was expected to be. Actually, he just wanted to spend more time with Devin.

After a while, Devin took his hand. In a whisper, she spoke. "It's marvelous."

"Yeah," he agreed, "it is."

She leaned her head on his shoulder. There were a few sweet moments of silence. "How often do you come up here?"

"Ah, you know me." Heath wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "When the court meetings get too serious."

"When you can't sleep?"

Heath cleared his throat. "Uh-y-yeah, that too."

In truth, Heath came up here quite often. When the castle's pressure amped up, when he couldn't sleep for insomnia (as Devin had commented), or-lately-when he and Devin were apart. He'd become a pro at scaling the tall tower, and while he might tease Devin, she'd done well for her first time.

"Anyone ever catch you up here?" she asked.

"Raina. But she didn't tell."

"Shocker." she said, and Heath laughed lightly.

With a smile, Devin looked up at him. He was almost two heads taller than her, he thought. She was small. Fragile.

Without pausing to question himself, Heath brushed a hand underneath her chin, bringing her lips to his. She felt her shift toward him, offering no resistance.

When they broke apart, Devin was smiling. "Are you really going to get in trouble for this?"

"The climb?" he'd almost forgotten. "Who cares?"

She felt her smile against his lips as she pulled him against her.

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