Kollie/Jilly-Into The Woods

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"I hope you don't mind-I ate your cupcake."

"You what?!" Ollie demanded, jumping to his feet.

Kayla licked the frosting from her fingers, unconcernedly. "Not sorry."

"Your mom made it for me! I've been looking forward to that all day!"

Kayla dropped a small plate of smeared chocolate and crumbs into the sink. "You're adorable, Ollie, but not threatening in the least."

"But that was my cupcake!" Ollie spluttered.

"Stop whining. You stole my caramel cake last week."

"I don't know what happened to your caramel cake," Ollie crossed his arms, "it disappeared."

"Well, then that's what happened to your cupcake."

"Fine." Ollie jumped onto the kitchen counter. "Where's your fam?"

"Mum's with Prince Sebastian, working on that stupid book. Emma Rose and Brook Lynn are at the library."

Ollie kicked his slightly soiled socks against the pale white cupboards. "Seems like they're gone a lot lately."

"Yeah, well." Kayla muttered, rinsing off her plate. Ollie knew he'd hit a sore spot. "They're busy." She looked up at him, tired. "So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know." he raised an eyebrow. "Suppose you don't want to go sailing?"

"Grimm, no."

"Ok." he lifted his chin in thought. "Hey, I know! Let's go see a play."

"Really?" Kayla smiled. "Last time that didn't turn out so well."

Ollie waved his hand dismissively. "I'm not talking about some dopey musical like An Ode to Enchantasia. How 'bout a real one, say, Little Miss Muffet?"

"No way." Kayla hopped up on the counter next to him. "None of those strictly-un-adapted-based-on-a-true-story plays. They're dull."

"Ok." he considered. "Anastasia?"

"What? No!" Kayla jumped. "Nothing creepy."

"Fine, so picky. Gilly told me Into the Woods is in town this week. Supposedly it's a play on a bunch of historic events-Red Riding Hood, Princess Ella, Monsieur Baker, Jack (he's insufferable about it), and a bunch of other ones, but, like, twisted. How about that?"

Kayla nodded. "Sure."

"Alright, I'll tell Gilly and Jax. We'll make it a double date."

"Awesome." Kayla said, ruffling his hair. "Caramel cake thief."

"Hey, I never stole-"



Jax nodded, peering over Gilly's shoulder to observe the summary of the performance on her program. "Hmm."

"Hopefully this wasn't a waste of your money. I could have used the money I swiped from-"

"Gilly!" Jax admonished. "You promised! No way did you steal-"

"Chill, I'm kidding." Gilly smiled teasingly. "I only stole like thirty dollars." At his furious glare, she added, "Before I got thrown into FTRS and became completely reformed, of course."

"Of course." Ollie said, in the seat beside her. Kayla was studying the curtain-covered stage in earnest, waiting for the production to begin. 

Jax rolled his eyes. "Honestly, the way you act-"

"Chief Gillian here is completely perfect." Gilly made a show of fluffing her hair, pursing her lips daintily. "I don't know why you'd ever suspect something criminal from an esteemed officer of the law."

Jax groaned. He'd heard all about Pete leaving Gilly his job during Maxine's disastrous spell. "Shut up," he grumbled, but smiled a little as he settled back into his seat. "Chief Gillian."

A few minutes later, he rounded on her again. "You've got to learn to make an honest living."

"Says the guy who skipped out on RA for a school of delinquents and had his family pay for my ticket." she replied, hiding her face behind her program. 

"Oh, I'll get you for that." Jax hit her with his pamphlet.

"Guys, it's starting!" Kayla said excitedly. 

The curtains opened, and the music began.


"Well, that was-"

"Strange." Ollie cut in, interrupting Gilly mid-sentence. "I don't know what I was supposed to take away from that."

"Maybe that's the point," Kayla said thoughtfully, "to make you think."

Gilly snorted. "Or perhaps it was just a whacked-out production."

Jax looked at her with a mix of curiosity and exasperation. "Was it really that bad?"

"No," she said, and Jax looked relieved, "the music was top-notch."

"The acting was, too. I loved the plot." Kayla said, eyes gleaming. 

"Told you." Ollie said.

"Do you guys want to get dinner or something?" Kayla asked.

"Sure." Jax agreed.

"Chocolate?" Kayla posed.

"That can be arranged." Ollie said mildly, and Kayla squealed. 

The four laughed and talked, walking off into the sunset with blue skies ahead of them.

Sorry I suck at endings LOL

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