Jilly-Before The Battle

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As part of Jilly Ship Week, and the prompt "I don't have a choice-I never have", I have created this simple one-shot of a letter that Jax wrote his dad before the events of Cursed asking if he could send Gilly away from the battle for her protection. Obviously he was denied, but here is the letter :). Fanart creds to me! Find more of my work on pinterest :)


I hope you are well. I have little to report on the Stiltskin front, but I can assure you that FTRS is preparing for the worst, and they will be ready when it comes. Headmistress Flora has placed me in charge of the battle plans for school simulations, and I am taking that duty as seriously as you take your royal responsibilities and the safety of our civilians. A gruesome battle is nearing us, and I know that I must fight when it arrives. I will do whatever it takes to defend Enchantasia, our freedom, and my friends. I only hope to make you proud.

Please know I worry also for your safety, and implore you to keep in a place of security for as long as possible. I know that when the call to arms arrives, you and I will not shun the fight, wherever it comes. When it comes to our duties as royals, we don't have a choice. We never have.

I write to you today with another concern. Father, ever since I met her, it's been Gilly and me. Partners in crime for as long as we're together, and we have promised never to be separated again. Not after Royal Academy, and definitely not after Gilly's trouble with her sister. It is no matter of mine whether or not I am closer to Stiltskin's wrath when I am by her side; I refuse to leave her. My only worries are for her in Stiltskin's eye. She is terrified for her sister, Anna, and I fear that should Anna reach out to Gilly again, Gilly will either accept or cause irreparable damage to their bond. She insists that she does not love her sister, but I know that she does, and it worries me. She has been criticized and berated from every hand ever since we failed to catch him. Alva and Stiltskin will not rest until they have her; she is the key to their success. I fear for her, and I think the court ought to as well.

Father, I'm writing to ask if there is any way you can keep Gilly out of the fighting and safe from this threat. She will never let me place her in some safe haven with her consent-if Gilly should be remembered for anything, it is her stubborn bravery. If you would only find some place for her to stay, I will ensure that she be put there, though she may hate me forever for it.

I am more desperate than I have ever been in asking this, but if it is out of your power, I will not fault you for it. I know the princesses are stubborn, and our family has little sway with them since we were estranged from Raz for so long. I know what my duty is, and I will do anything to uphold it-unless it strays from what is right, or puts my friends in danger. But you should know that if such a place cannot be found for her, if Gillian Cobbler is thrust into the heart of this battle at the royal court's cold command, I will lay down my life in her defense before she falls. If you awake one morning and find your son is no longer able to receive your letters, you will know where I have gone, and why. 

With utmost concern, your son,

Jaxon Porter

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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