Jilly-Book Club

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(This is when they are canon age, as opposed to my other one-shots when they are older)

"You joined a book club?" Gilly laughed, unable to keep an humorously incredulous expression from her face. 

Jax shrugged helplessly. "You joined the RLW's."

Gilly stuck her tongue out. "Bleh, for information, not for fun."

"Oh, yes. For information. That you were determined to collect by yourself."

"Shut up." Gilly smacked her hands on his face. He laughed and pushed her off. 

"Stop, stop." Jax looked at her. "So I joined book club. Why do you care?"

"Because you're a prince...and that's just....so stuffy." she smiled.

"Yes, I'm a prince. Must you remind me every five seconds?"

Gilly rolled her eyes. "I do when you do 'princely' things like join book club or talk about royal academy."

"It is not a princely thing! There are tons of people in book club-"

"Who are probably just as annoying as you are."

"Gingerbread, Gilly. Just because I joined book club doesn't mean I can't still knock you to the ground in a fight."

"Like I'd let you." 

"Is that a challenge?" he raised an eyebrow.

"What are you reading?" she asked, hiding her smile. 

His eyes lit up. "A book."


"It's called A Thousand Reasons to Steal by Robin Hood."

Gilly's eyes went wide as saucers. "What?"

"It's a persuasive novel about how everything he did was correct. I fully agree with it."

"Do you agree with my methods now?"

He gave her a flat look. "No."

She sighed. "Didn't think so." After a moment, she said, "So what's your point with all this."

Jax spread his hands in a silly gesture. "Join."


"Come on! I can tell you liked the book choice."

Gilly hesitated. "Well, yes, but-"

"One day. One day, please!" Gilly started to protest, but Jax pressed on. "If you hate it, you never have to go again."

Gilly pursed her lips. Jax turned on the puppy dog eyes. Gilly groaned. "Ugh. Fine."


She glared at him. "I better like this."

"Trust me." he winked. "You will."


"Grimm, that was boring."

"You didn't care for it?" Jax raised an eyebrow.

"No. I liked the book, but they just talked it to death."

Jax crossed his arms. "How about we make our own book club, then?"

Gilly stopped walking, suddenly interested. "What?"

"You and me. You pick the book, we'll read and discuss them."

"Just us?" her face lit up. "And I can pick?"

"Yeah." he said, "No strings attached."

Gilly high-fived him. "Deal."


Gilly began writing with her message quill, bored in class, to see if Jax had sent her anything. Sure enough, words appeared. 

Hey Sticky Fingers,

A Support of Villany by Hook Jones? Really? I promised to read whatever you picked, but, really? 


Gilly shook her head fondly and scribbled back. 

What did you think I would pick? If you don't like it, the deal is off. 


Another message sparkled to life.

I'm going to read it. I'll see if I can stand it. Next time we're picking fiction. 


Gilly continued writing

Hop to it. Keep me posted. 


She smiled, half-listening to Professor Wolfington drone on and on, half of her mind on thoughts of the handsome blond boy she called her best friend


"So, how did you like it?" Gilly asked smugly, trotting beside Jax at a moderate pace.

He smized her. "What do you want me to say?"

"I don't know, your honest opinion?"

He shook his head, a smile ghosting across his pale pink lips. "Very little basis besides the author's own opinions. Few cited sources or examples of his theories put into action. Nothing to support his arguments."

She smirked. "Oh?"

"Overall, it was rather tasteless. I think he could have made an effort to make it more entertaining if he simply applied-"

"Jax?" Gilly cut in. 

"What?" he frowned.

She nudged him. "Stop monologuing."

"Well, what did you think of it?"

In a rather good mimicry of Jax's tone, she said, "It was very intelligent, wonderfully put, it really made me consider my own life and apply the values accordingly-"

"Shut up." She laughed, and a begrudging smile appeared on his face. "Next time, I pick."


Together, they strolled out into the gardens of FTRS, where sunshine, friendship, a free afternoon, and love greeted them. 

(I know, again with the dull endings, Dauntless. *awkward laughter*)

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