Heavin-Yes Ma'am

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"I can't believe you." she spat the words as if they burned her mouth. "In front of everyone!" Devin gestured wildly around the room she'd yanked him into.

Heath winced. "Devin-"

"Has it ever occurred to you that I don't want to be a part of your showing off?"

His expression soured. "I don't-"

"In front of the entirety of royal academy, it seemed like a good idea to tease me?"

"For Grimm's sake, Devin, I was just kidding!" he snapped. "I didn't mean for you to get laughed at! I would never do that to you!"

"Well you did!" she yelled back, "As if I needed more people to hate me! Everybody will make even more of fun of me, and it's all your fault-"

"Stop it, Devin, just stop it!" she flinched. Seeing it, Heath's anger faded and horror washed over his face. "Devin, I-"

"I don't want to hear it."

The energy was so charged between them it was almost palpable. "I never meant to hurt you." he said quietly.

She refused to answer, burning with embarrassment and shame; both for what he'd said to her, and what she'd said to him.

Devin had no time to thaw before Heath crossed the distance of the room, dug his fingers into her hair, and kissed her.

She let out a noise of total surprise. Instinctively shut her eyes. Devin did not move, and, clearly viewing this as a show of support, Heath didn't either.

Every bit of anger imploded, transforming into confusion, to acceptance. He leaned against her. She was sinking. Dissolving into sensation. Breathing in his heat. Terrified that all her raging feelings would destroy her.

Devin broke away with a gasp. Heath's eyes were filled with worry, terrified to witness her reaction. That expression softened her, encasing her like a marshmallow in a burning shell.

"I was-I mean-I'm sorry." Heath stammered, blush creeping along his cheeks. For once, his sarcasm and swagger had shattered, leaving a mess of fragile emotion. "I didn't mean to-sorry."


"It's ok. I just had to-to know. I-" Devin seized him by the folds of his shirt and crashed her lips to his.

It was Heath's turn to stumble, turning his head sideways. Devin could feel the relief pouring through him, the care with which he held her.

It may have been hours; It may have been years before Devin found the courage to move. She pulled away slightly, leaning her head on his. Heath's breathing was just as labored as hers.When she finally found the courage to meet his eyes, he was staring at her, awestruck.

Neither could look away.

"Don't be sorry." she whispered.

Heath's voice was soft and low.

"Yes, ma'am."

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