Heavin-Pocket Watch

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Heath bolted down the corridor, dodging several students in his wake. His black suit jacket flapped with the wind of his own speed, his tie bouncing against his chest. A blur of a girl with long black hair yelled at his retreating back. "Heath!"

Heath ducked underneath a passing student's armful of schoolbooks, ignoring the indignant yelp that followed after him. "Can't talk now, Raina."

He heard footsteps just as fast-paced as his own, nearly right behind me. "Why are you running?" she asked peevishly. 

"I've gotta show Devin," he said, "I found this awesome thing in the woods."

"Can I see?"

Heath dodged a group of snotty-looking princes, who stared disdainfully at him as he passed. Raina nearly knocked headfirst into one of the boys-though he supposed she wouldn't have been all too angry about that. He could already tell she was extremely annoyed that he was forcing her to run after him. Most unladylike, he supposed. Most unprincelike, for that matter. "No." 


"Bye." Heath ran straight into the wall, knowing she wouldn't follow him. Not in front of passing students, anyway. He heard Raina's frustrated scoff, and then her retreating footsteps. He brushed a hand through his messy black hair, grinning to himself. 

The corridor around him was pitch-black, a strange kaleidoscope of stairways and uneven stone walls. Sasha had taken the whole crew around RAR's many secret passageways, and Heath had dutifully made note of each and every entrance and exit, down to the very last trapdoor. The network of passages were indeed most useful, even if Olivina had been using them for some rather unsavory business. He could wake up a full thirteen minutes later than usual and take the nearby passageway to his first class-Castle Sieges and Defensive Procedures. It was also quite useful to spy on the many rude boys of the academy who sometimes made fun of Logan, and deposit the occasional rubber spider in their unsuspecting earl gray tea. 

He ran up a the leftmost stairway, taking the steps two at a time. After only a little time, he reached Westwind tower, a secret hideaway that he and the crew had chosen to renovate and create as their own personal refuge. Devin stood in the center of the tower, kneeling on a square fuzzy rug that Sasha had contributed. Around her were the paintings and magazine clippings Raina had provided, Heath's collection of maps and travel equipment, Devin's sketches of various animals and supplies to assist creatures in need, as well as Logan's small assortment of personally baked treats and delicacies. Sasha had also furnished the room with a rather professional air-several cozy armchairs, and a large mirror and magical scroll with which she used to chat with her many contacts and create stories for her Enchantasia Insider. 

Devin was dutifully studying a copy of Snow's Creature Care manual, highlighting phrases and words with a bright yellow pen. She was clothed in a pair of plain brown pants and a soft blue button-up, along with a pair of black flats. Her hair curled in messy blonde ringlets like a waterfall over her shoulders. She looked up at him as he darted up the steps, a hint of a smile flashing in her eyes. It suddenly felt very important that Heath suppress his desire to pull Devin close and kiss her.

"Hey, what's up?" Devin asked, closing her book with a curious expression. 

Heath grinned and ran up to her, opening his clenched hand. "Look what I found!" Devin peered intently at the object in his outstretched palm. 

It was a smooth, golden pocket watch, with silver calligraphy inscribed on the shiny metal surface. Devin picked it up by its long gold chain, studying the writing there. "It's a rhyme." 

Heath grinned. "I know." 

Devin squinted. "Do not open me until you wish to be-"

"Sometime far away from here with someone that you see." Heath finished in unison with Devin. "What do you think it means?"

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