Heavin-A Day at the Beach

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Heath rapped on Devin's door-frame three times, though the door was already open. 

He could see her light blonde hair bouncing on her shoulders as she hummed some melodious tune, folding up her pajamas at the foot of her guest bed. At Heath's knock, she turned around and smiled, ceasing her song.

She wore a pastel orange dress with short sleeves, reaching just above her knees. It was made of an almost t-shirt like fabric, and paired with plain white tennis shoes. Her only usual touch of makeup; subtle lip gloss-had taken on a light orange tinge, one you had to search for to see. She looked great.

"Hey." Heath smiled, leaning on the frame casually. "You busy?"

Devin pretended to consider. "I don't think so."

"Good." he shoved his hands in the pockets of his black pants. As usual, he'd forgone his suit's jacket, preferring the plain white dress shirt rolled up to his elbows. Freshly rumpled hair and black tennis shoes topped off the look.

"We're going to go somewhere."


"I promise you'll love it."

"Confident, aren't you?"

Heath pursed his lips. "Were you planning on denying me?"

"I'll reserve judgement." she said graciously, tossing her hair as she walked towards him. They strode off together, Devin taking his hand comfortably. "Where?"

He smiled. "Siren's Beach-Raina and I used to play there as kids. I heard about a cave there, and I wanna explore it, see if it's any good."

"Where is Raina, anyway? Nobody else is here to fill me in on your negative qualities."

Heath snorted. "Court meeting. I exempted myself."


"Yep," he said brightly, steering her out towards the carriage, "said I was busy."


"I'm almost sure my Dad saw through it."


"Yeah, but no one cares about me." he muttered, as she opened the door for him. The irony of that did not escape him.

Devin crossed her arms as she climbed in beside him, her expression fierce and protective. "We both know that's a lie. Otherwise you wouldn't be bullied about your duties all the time."

"Courting princesses instead of running from them?" Heath grinned, nudging her. "Got that down."

"Shut up." she mumbled.

They sat together, watching as the countryside rolled by outside the windows, relaying stories of RA.

"Why couldn't we have taken a pegasus, or a magic carpet?"

"This again?" he smirked. "Sheesh, Devin."

She folded her arms.

"Hey hey hey, we're royals. Maybe the lucky kids at FTRS get the pegasi or magic carpets, but- Look, my mom insists. Consider yourself lucky we aren't being accompanied by the entire Dwarf Police Squad."

As the ocean came into view through the carriage window, Heath tried to recall his memories of the beach. Heath and Raina had played here as children, under the watchful eye of six trained guards, of course. It was nice to be alone for a change. Of course, he'd bribed the horseman to keep it on the down-low, but really, what was the point of his title if he didn't flaunt it once in a while?

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