Jilly-More than Royal

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hehe anyways fanart creds to me :)


 "How am I supposed to feel?" Jax demanded, running a hand through his hair. "You keep calling me royal when you're mad at me, like it's a curse word."

"You used to say 'subjects' all the time." Gilly crossed her arms.

"But I stopped because it made you angry!"

Gilly rolled her eyes.

Jax let out a noise of exasperation and threw up his hands. "You are so anti-royal! How am I supposed to sit there and watch you complain about the royal court and everything we stand for? I can't control everything they do. I have no power! And I was so close, so close to telling Raz about..." he blushed.

Gilly blushed back, catching his meaning. She brushed it off. "I don't mean to make you feel bad because of your station in life. You couldn't choose whether you were a royal, or a commoner, or...whatever." she trailed off lamely.

Jax sighed and sat down on the smooth marble floor of the corridor. "Some days, I'd rather be a commoner."

Gilly looked unsurprised. "RA?"

Jax shook his head. "Not only that. I mean, the whole thing with them trying to get me to leave FTRS is bad enough, but, Gilly..." he trailed off. "I've never wanted to impress anyone but you, and all you've done since you found out I was royal is use the stupid phrase like a weapon and pull it on me in fights."

Gilly was quiet. Her guilt overwhelmed him.

"I've put up with a lot of your bad points to get to your good points, Gilly, but this? I mean-" Jax sighed. "You know I would never bully you about your shoemaking background. I want you to accept and be proud of all of me, and being royal is part of it."

Gilly collected her thoughts. "I am proud of all you." she said finally, sitting down next to Jax. "And I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me too." he conceded. "I didn't mean to yell at you."

"I understand."

Jax kissed the top of her head. "I really don't deserve you."

Gilly kissed him quickly. "Ditto." 

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