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26th of November 2016

Finn felt struck by those words, like she already had a significant advantage over him. But he persisted, his job was on the line, he was on the line. He wouldn't lose it to some irrelevant - intimidating - mass murderer.

'My names Finn Cashen, and I'm here to interview you-' on the you his voice broke, like a snapping of plastic, the snapping in half of his career.

'No shit!' she said sarcastically. And with this, flipped out a cigarette aggressively, placed it on the hard steel table under the hanging light. Then continued to search for what Finn assumed was a lighter, flipping open the various pockets in her navy blue suit, then reaching into the lined white inside, shuffled her hand into the, stained with blood, inside pocket and grabbed a worn lighter. With her oddly well manicured and dainty fingers, picked up the cigarette from the steel table, and placed it in her mouth, held up the lighter and lit it.

'You can't smoke in here.' Finn persisted, but she seemed unfazed and replied in a cool yet stern tone

'Are you serious?' She had a tone of mockery, like Finn was a child, someone who hadn't experienced anything, which he thought to himself was only partly true. 'And besides I'll be out here in five minutes, you're not going to even get close, pretty boy. I'm innocent.'

At this, Finn got angry, blanking out the pretty boy comment like a car crash, he smacked his his case file on the table, held his fingers to his eyebrows and stated in the strongest tone, one that matched the hollow mans.

'Get over yourself.'

Strangely, the woman's face faltered, not of fear or intimidation but of shock, that this ginger voice crack student could face a suspected mass murderer like that, when about less than five minutes before he was showing traits of a little school boy.

Finn looked for the tape recorder pressed play, and turned the video camera on and stated 'Detective Finn Cashen, of Chicago PD here interviewing' he paused and read her name 'Thea Boon' when she heard this she looked at the camera and with a bitter face, directed a middle finger, straight into the lense. Finn made sure to remember to use her real name as it cause a reaction and continued with his statement 'the date is the twenty sixth of November and its eleven o five GMT'

He started his interview, one he had been practising for hours on end in his shitty dorm mirror, repeating the statement like it was tattooed on him 'You are being accused of eight murders each one varying in levels of intensity, but each as much of a crime as the other. However today were only going to be discussing the murder of Jane Pool, which occurred on the night of November thirteenth, can you, Thea,' putting a stress on the Thea purposely resulted in a eye roll from her green eyes. 'Explain where you were on this night'

'I was in Walmart, asswipe.' she was evidently angry from the use of her real name and not the persona that she was famous for.

'Can you prove this, which Walmart to be exact?'

'The one by the Best Buy, on Walkers Street' her tone was cynical, as though Finn was wasting her time in this interview that could dictate her life.

He looked at his notes and reiterated what was on the page 'To my knowledge you have proof you were there, on November thirteenth.'

'That's right,' she said, then added in a odd tone 'weasel-bee.'

To this Finn snarled her, and she reincorporated the same expression. Watching the pair was like watching two toddlers fight, not over any specific object just over their pride. Thea watched Finn but in the disk with the proof that she was heavily relying on, but she couldn't convey that, because she was trying to convey that she was THE hollow man, and nothing will get in the way of tarnishing that polished portrayal. She had to be a person who was uninfluenced, un-bothered, but in contrast her heart was pounding so hard in her chest, like it could pop out and spill the truth. The video showed, very upsetting to Finn, that Thea was in fact in the Walmart that she stated she was in, at the time she stated she was there, by the Best Buy on Walkers Street. This caused Finn to feel a sense of inability to win the case, the bold version of himself was far away and he little boy was back mocking him, along with this his anxiety which had now taken over him physically and emotionally. The shaking hands and returned, along with the knotted eyebrows.

Thea watched with the cigarette still hung in her lips, she didn't feel bad, she didn't feel anything. Besides tiredness, a heavy sense of it, weighing on her, it felt as though eight lives were weighing on her, and not for the right reasons. She hadn't killed them, much to everyone's disappointment she had no clue who Jane Pool was, and yet. She was here, blood stained, gash mark across the bridge of her nose, wearing GOD knows what - in her eyes it looked like a suit for, most definitely, a man - she giggled to this, suiting to the situation she was in. She looked like the murderer, and to an extent felt like one.

But she promised, she had to keep it up, hate her own name, even though it was the name of her grandma, and snarl at this poor boy Finn, even though he doesn't deserve it.

Because everyone knows, Thea freaking Boon never breaks a promise. 

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