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4th of January

Violet had always hated Walmart. She thought it was because of the fact they sell guns there, or the whole place is always ridden with crying children. However, while she walked the isle with Kai, watching the excessive amount of bright coloured clothing show, her hatred just grew. Not because of the clothes, because of the fact that Kai was looking at her with those mooning eyes. Violet wanted to punch him sometimes. He was so smiley, so optimistic. Violet really hated it. They were about to kill someone, kill someone who barely did anything. Kill someone, the words rang out over the music playing from the intercom. Everything around her seemed so casual, so normal. She couldn't stand it, the way that children tried to sneak a pack of gum into the cart without their parents noticing, the way that Kai slowly shoplifted other items from around them. Slipping a pack of gum into his hoodie. He was as much of a child as the rest. Violet wished she was a normal cop. If she was, she would be able to stop Kai from doing something so utterly stupid. Kai was rich, he could afford enough items from this Walmart store to fill his whole car. He was just selfish, and Violet was itching to lash out because of it. Arrest him, do something she was supposed to do as a cop. Because she was a cop, she kept on forgetting that. Violet was fully lost in whatever was left of this job, she had really blown it when Thea found out. Although to her that felt like ages ago, it had been the only time she had fully left a trace on the case. And she really liked that trace, it was her last grasp at humanity - Thea was the only thing she had left with morals. She had messed that up though, and being around Kai was just rubbing it in.

He was all over her; grasping her thigh while in the car, trying to kiss her on the lips, and even asking if she wanted to 'get out of here.' mid way during a mission. Even thinking about it Violet's mouth filled with distaste. Before, well before Thea - a time she barely remembers - she was able to play this off as nothing. She wasn't attracted to Kai, she had never really been attracted to men, so as he twirled her hair and tucked it behind her ear she smiled gleefully, and tugged at his fingers to wrap them around hers. His hands were rough, scarred, and barely washed - Thea smiled as he spoke. She remembers how she nodded, like she cared, but almost like a lost puppy at admiration at him. That's the most outstanding thing she had learnt over the years, men eat shit like that up. They want you to admire them, to adore them - to be blinded by them. It was far from that for Violet though, she wanted to stab them. Strip their dignity from them piece by piece - it would compensate for all the times Violet had left hers at their feet. They had reached the clothing isle, the isle that Violet was dreading because she would have to compliment Kai - maybe flirt with him a bit, tug at the suit or something. It had just gotten boring. It always had been, but now it seemed pointless - she was just killing people because there was nothing else she could do to help the situation. Other cops were on the case of actually figuring out where Bobby was - she was just there to occupy people like Kai's time. People like Kai, she hoped that she would never have to meet anyone remotely like him. The thought even made her stomach curl.

'What do you have your eye on?' Violet asked and traced her hands over the suits on the rack. The fabric was all the same, everything was exactly the same. There was no difference to any of the times they did this - they buy some stupid suit with stupid dirty money and then they leave in Violet's stupid Honda. Kai had nicer car than that, but the hollow-woman had told them to go in something that 'would suit that store' - basically what made them not look like criminals. They used Violet's car. She told Kai when he opened the door for her unnecessarily that she had found it at the dump. He was dumb enough to believe it - he was dumb enough for anything. But dismissing her wealth like that, lying like a serpent, it made her feel worse. She knew she shouldn't be ashamed of what she had, because she had something. But when it came to the job, something wasn't enough, and neither was everything. The silence wasn't even that long, but it had caused Violet to zone out completely. She could tell that Kai's lips were moving, the ones she had kissed so distastefully; as his hands roamed around her body the same way over and over again until the spark was gone . It wasn't really there in the first place, but it gave Violet an excuse to tell her she was straight. After kissing Thea the way that she did, she knew that she was lying to herself for a long time. But lying was her job, so she was ready to dig herself into a deep pit of denial herself.

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