Chapter 13

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Cain's POV.

We've been hiding our secret for several weeks now. He'll park his car down the street, come sneak in my window. We'll talk, joke, cuddle, watch tv. We've had mind blowing sex a couple of times. We've talked about each other telling each other our likes, dislikes, favorite, not so favorite things. We've talked about everything. Surprisingly we have a few things in common. Favorite cum worthy car is a Camero favorite colors yellow and black. Some not so common things. I like to read he hates it. He likes video games me not so much. I like to play a few games but that's it. He told me about his family I told him about mine. We'll tell each other about our days. Mine uneventful considering I'm taking care of my pack all day. His usually consist of hanging out with his friends. At school we still keep up appearances. His boys still argue and try to pick on mine, mine still do the same. Now me and him but in trying to control our guys. Vance finds it comical. He is the only one that knows Liam sneaks into the house. I had to tell him. He is my best friend and he kinda figured it out one night when I went downstairs to get something to drink and he was there. It didn't help I reaked of Liam.

Today is Saturday and no one wanted to stay home so we or they decided to go to the skatepark. My guys love to skateboard if you haven't noticed.

"Cain I presume." someone says above me. I look up and see a very hot guy. Not as hot as Liam but pretty damn close.

"Who wants to know?" I ask harshly.

"Weston." he answers sticking out his hand for me to shake. Ah so this is the ass wanting to take down Liam's pack. I quickly stand up.

"Not interested!" I growl at him.

"They killed my father!" he growls back at me.

"Not my problem!" I growl back. "So run along." I say taking a step up to him. "You don't stand a chance. Their a big pack." I tell him honestly. The biggest that I know of. Sure fifty doesn't sound like a lot but in the werewolf world it is.

"That's why I need your help."

"Look I alr.." I start but I cut myself off. "What can I do for you?" I ask. If I can find out what he is up to how many people he has, when he is going to attack I could tell Liam so they know what to expect.

"Your boys." he answers.

"Look I already told you this isn't my fight. I won't involve my boys in this. Their to young, inexperienced, it's not their fight either." I tell him honestly.

"Okay fine can you find information for me?" NO.

"Possibly." I answer anyway.

"Can we get together some time soon and discuss things?" he ask me.

"Sure." he nods handing me a phone. I decide to put in my number. Maybe I can get him to trust me enough so he'll tell me what he is planning. I hand it back to him after I'm done. "I'll call you soon." he tells me. I nod an okay and he walks away. I'll have to tell Liam what I'm doing tonight when he shows up. So he won't get his boxers in a bunch. After the skatepark we head home. Everybody was so hot and tired they all went their separate ways to take a shower or eat. I went to eat then headed up to room for a shower. When I was done I put in a movie got in bed. I guess I was more tired than I thought because I fell asleep and woke up to a banging on my window. What the fuck?! I got out of bed went to my window and there Liam was swaying back and fourth drunk off his ass. So drunk he couldn't open the damn window. I open it up and that's when the smell hit me. I helped him in fuming mad.

"What the hell Liam?!" I growl at him making him sit on the bed.

"What?" he asked innocently. He's done this before and it doesn't bother me. No what bothers me is that fucking smell!

"Why the hell do you smell like Tori?!" I growl at him. He just shrugs his shoulders as he grabs my hand. I pull it away from him.

"Aww come on babe don't be mad." he slurs. Don't be mad?! Don't be mad?! Oh this little boy has a few things to fucking learn.

"You better be fucking gone by the time I get back up here in the morning!" I growl grabbing me a pillow and blanket. As much as I wanted to throw him out the window I just couldn't. I love that fucking asshole.

"Cain." he whines. "Babe." he hiccups. I growl stomping downstairs. I can't fucking believe him. I love him and he does this to me. My wolf isn't happy either he's actually letting me call him names. Good. Because that fucking prick deserves so much more. I plop down on the couch almost in tears. I can't believe he would cheat on me. With a fucking girl nonetheless. The realization that he did was a stab to the heart and brought tears to my eyes. I actually cried. The first time since my patents died. He'll I barely cried then. I'm not a crier but this fucking hurts. I just curled up in a ball and cried. How could he do this to me? I love him I know I never told him but I do. Fuck I'm stupid. How could I fall for it? How many times has he done it? I actually believe he stopped and came to terms with us. Apparently not. I'm so so stupid. I finally cried myself to sleep but I didn't sleep long I could tell because when Vance woke me up the next morning I felt like shit and I always feel that way when I don't get enough sleep. I ate my breakfast and decided to go face that asshole. When I went upstairs to my room he was gone.


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