Hell On Earth

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Sun-hee has adjusted to the 'only child' life pretty easy. Her stepmother was divorced after Azulon caught her trying to seduce prince Ozai and was sent to trial. She was found guilty and, being the only family of their house there at the time,Sun-hee choose her sentence .

To say that Takami was shamed was and understatement. She was humiliated in front of thousands. People in the Capital heard about the princess punishing her step mother and wanted to see what it was.

They were all told not to bring their children because since Takami was going to act like a dog in heat, Sun-hee noted, they might as well treat her like one..
I believe your imagination can do the rest. After that she was taken to the colonies naked and the officers were instructed to keep her that way.

Her family was not punished or to blame however, so Sun-hee spared them.

That all happened  during the summer, but now it's fall and school has started again. The idea of public education made Sun-hee psychically sick.

The whole notion itself came from Ursa one night. Leave it to Ursa to ruin Sun-hee's anti social behavior.

Knock knock.

"Princess Xiao, it is almost eight hours past midnight, please awaken...." A servant tried to reason with the princess. Sun-hee groans and rises from her bed and sighed.

"I'm up I'm up. You can leave, I'm not gonna ditch today" she mumbled tiredly, the servant nods then bows at the hip before walking out of the room. Sun-hee rolls out of bed and treks to her closet.

Pulling out a uniform red tunic and black leggings with black knee high boots and a golden head piece. It was a bit much but whatever.

She turns and leaves the one room she has ever had in her 14 (A/n: I changed the time line for my  plot. We cool on that? Cool.)years of life. Iroh couldn't be bothered to give her a larger room.

As she heads to the front of the palace the princess sighs before getting into the palanquin. School was hell on Earth but she would need to keep up appearances for the public. But really?

Oh well.

The ride wasn't so bad, it was cushy and prestigious as always. When Sun-hee reached her Class- A rated school she made her way straight to the secluded hall.

This was where she'd meet with her prodigy friends who also want to be spies. When she finally arrived to her destination the smell of tobacco stung her nose hairs.

When she opened her eyes they stung and turned a firey rage filled red. One of her closes friends, Hedi, was smoking one of the headmasters cigars. Sun-hee frowns.

Hedi was by herself, the rest of their gang was suspended for a fight. Hedi was a pretty girl, little sister to the most popular guy in school. She had short brown hair, and pale skin. The most remarkable thing about her would have to be her ebony eyes that shined like black holes, that's what made her so good at spying.

Her eyes showed no emotions other than complete and utter boredom. 

Sun-hee didn't know whether to be intimidated or creeper out.

"Let's do this. I'm already about to burn this school down and go home so let's make today quick."

And off into hell on Earth they went.

Behind The Royal Lies: The Chronicles of Sun Hee XiaoWhere stories live. Discover now