My Child

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Sun-hee wanted children. She didn't care if they were male or female, both would be useful. Girls could marry and build alliance, boys could do the same as well as make her look powerful in the eye of noblemen. 

But this was a dangerous game she was playing at court now, she was married and had a title that is useful but should she be suspected she'd be killed. Simple as that. So to stay in good graces she'll need a son or two. Princes, to secure her power, and then she can prove to be a powerful ally or dreadful enemy.

So in hopes of conception she drugged her husband with aphrodisiacs every chance she got, she stayed away from training and ate all meals in full. Visits to the physician were weekly and throughout.

But no word of a baby yet, not that it bothered Sun-hee. She was.....content with the world and how it was for now. Zuko was less obnoxious now and Azula was minding her own business. Ozai was understandably nonchalant and distant as always.

Azien, her new husband of two months, also wanted children but for different reasons not that Sun-hee cared. The man was decent enough, kind and generous. He found her attractive, and respected her privacy.

It helped that he was handsome and a master fire bender like her.

Azien had long hair that reached his shoulders in black locks that had not a single curl. His eyes were a beautiful amber that was warm and kind. He was not pale, but a creamy tan that Sun-hee found quite charming. He was also tall.

He'd sire a beautiful generation of fire benders, no doubt. This pleased Sun-hee greatly.

And even now, with an empty womb, she could picture a beautiful baby. With rosy cheeks, pale unblemished skin, black hair, and golden eyes. No name could come to mind, however, and all she could think about were childish laughter and cooing.

Sun-hee wasn't good with children. Rather she liked to keep her distance when necessary since she always seemed to teach too much or be to vague. There was no real in between.

But maybe her children will be different. Maybe.

Sitting at the dinning table all alone Sun-hee can't help but remember Ursa, surprisingly enough.  She thought of how she loved Zuko and Azula. Granted not equally, but she still loved them.

She can't help but morbidly wonder what life would be like if Azula knew this and still talked so poorly of the woman who gave her life and her flame.

Would Ursa be proud of her? Would Ursa approve of her only daughter's decisions? Probably not. Azula was two fangs short of a monster.  If Ursa were here she'd put Azula in her damn place. Something no one but Sun-hee and Ozai seem to make a habit out of.

These thoughts lead right to Sun-hee's own mother and father. Her mother would probably be too happy about her new marriage to think about anything else. The woman was given too much credit, she didn't do much while alive and nothing really changed now that she was dead. The world was still spinning, the sun still shined, and Sun-hee was still second place. A prize already won.

Sun-hee wanted to destroy something, anything,she didn't care what.

So she smashed a vase next to her. It was a pretty one from when Azulon was alive and now, just like the dead Fire Lord, was gone. Sun-hee held no regret for what she did. In her eyes it was justified. The vase was in her way of having a peaceful meal. It had to be eliminated.

She turned her head as a maid and two gaurds ran into the room to see what had happened.

"Are you- are you well my Lady?"

"I'm fine."

Yeah. Just fine. Just fine without Iroh. Just fine without her mother. Just fine without her brother. She'll be fine without a child for now. She'll have her child soon enough.

Behind The Royal Lies: The Chronicles of Sun Hee XiaoWhere stories live. Discover now