Second Date

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Rich stood alone in the back of the alternative club, praying he wouldn't be noticed (or hit on) by anyone. He had been dragged into coming by his extroverted friends, but he had easily lost them in the mass of people. So he was standing there in the back by the bar, texting Sev and occasionally getting a water to pass the time.

After Rich had been standing there for about a half hour, bored as hell (as Sev had to stop texting him for unclarified reasons), he glanced up and around the club, hoping he'd see his friends somewhere. He saw someone better.

From across the room, he spotted Sev standing against the wall, looking bored. Rich tried waving to get his attention, and after a few moments, Sev saw him. He immediately began making his way toward Rich through the mass of people.

"Hey, Rich," Sev said when he was within earshot. "How are you?"

"Surprised that you're here," Rich said.

"Same as you," Sev replied. "Didn't know you were a party-goer."

"I'm not," Rich laughed. "My friends dragged me into it, but I don't know where they went."

"Same," Sev laughed. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"Sure," Rich answered, smiling.

Sev walked away briefly and came back with two drinks. Rich drank his without hesitation. So did Sev.

Once they had finished, Sev
offered to buy another for him. And another. And Rich lost count.

Rich didn't drink often, so it affected him more than it would've if he was a regular drinker. Everything seemed slightly fuzzier than it normally was.

Rich focused all of his attention on Sev. Sev seemed to look even better than normal. Before Rich knew it, he was kissing Sev over their table with no shame. He found that he loved how Sev tasted. He didn't want to stop, and neither did Sev. Suddenly, Rich was against the wall with Sev pushing him (but not too hard). Rich had his arms above his head and Sev's arms up his shirt, touching his back.

Sev stopped for a moment, resting one of his forearms on the wall and breathing heavily.

"Hey Rich," Sev whispered.

"Yeah?" Rich asked.

"Do you want to come over to my flat after this place closes?"

"Hell yeah," Rich answered, closing a hand around Sev's collar and pulling him back in.

After not long enough, someone in a blue uniform pushed Rich and Sev out, and they began walking down the street hand-in-hand. Sev struggled with unlocking the door but pulled Rich inside.

"Severin, what the hell?"

"Hey Scott," Sev laughed. "This is Rich."

Rich smiled. He knew he looked drunk as hell, but he didn't care.

"I'll stay out of your room," Scott said, rolling his eyes and walking way.

"Thanks," Sev called after him.

He pulled Rich into his room and locked the door. He pulled Rich into his arms again and kissed him more, putting a hand underneath his jaw. Rich pushed him over onto his bed, wanting Sev more than anything else.
Sev slipped his hands into Rich's pants, pushing them down. Rich found that he liked how Sev touched him, so he kissed him a bit harder. Sev rolled over, pushing Rich down. Rich moved his legs apart, letting Sev slip between them.

Rich's shyness seemed to have disappeared. He knew it hadn't been long and he was drunk, but he really liked Sev. Something about him just made Rich feel a million times better than normal.

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