No Rush

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Jim sat against the armrest of the couch, his legs across Seb's lap. Seb had his legs crossed and didn't seem to mind Jim's bare feet between his legs. Jim was leaning against the couch cushion with his eyes closed.

Seb had been silent for a good ten minutes, and so had Jim. Seb probably thought Jim was asleep.

"You asleep?" Seb whispered, brushing Jim's cheek with his hand.

Jim couldn't keep a smile off of his face.

"You planning anything tonight?" Seb asked. "Any clients' business to take care of?"

"Nothing," Jim answered, keeping his eyes closed. "But I have huge plans tomorrow morning, so don't keep me busy for too long."

"What're you doing tomorrow?" Seb asked, rubbing Jim's ankle affectionately.

"Robbing the Tower of London, the Bank of England, and Pentonville prison all at the same time," Jim answered.

"How the hell are you going to get away with that?" Seb asked.

"I'm not going to; I'm going to let myself get arrested again," Jim answered.

"How long are you going to be in prison this time?"

"Couple months, give or take."

"But I'll be so lonely."

"You could get Rich to role play for you. I'm sure he wouldn't mind... if you pretended to be Severin."

"When was the last time you saw Rich?"

"Since our double date."

"Do you think they got together and haven't told us?"


"They'd be so damn adorable together."

"Is Severin a cinnamon roll too?"

"A huge cinnamon roll."

"Then you clearly don't know Rich well enough yet. I think he was a bunny in another life."

Seb laughed. He scooted closer to Jim, bending Jim's legs slightly. He put an arm around Jim's torso.

"You're warm," Jim sighed, leaning his head into Seb's shoulder.

"I'm glad," Seb said, a smile in his voice. He kissed Jim's nose.

Jim smiled again, feeling bubbles of pure happiness rising in him. He couldn't help but wonder how someone who acted so much like he loved him could ever betray him. Jim's fanciful brain led him on, letting himself believe that Seb loved him unconditionally like Jim did with Seb.

"Do you want to go to bed early?" Seb asked playfully.

"We could just sleep here; I'm comfortable enough," Jim said, smiling.

"I'm not talking about sleeping, Jim," Seb laughed.

"I know," Jim said, still smiling in comfort. "You're just really comfortable."

"I'm glad."

"So do you want to just stay here?"

"That'd be fine with me."


Jim found himself in a different outfit again. Today, he was Jim the annoying as hell tourist. He was wearing the same tight T-shirt, since he didn't want to have to unnecessarily expand his wardrobe even more than he already had. He was wearing one of those hats with a Union Jack and the word "London" on it that tourists wore.

The only two things he was bringing with him were his phone and a box containing the smallest and cheapest diamond he could find (the bulletproof glass in the Tower of London was strong, but not stronger than a diamond).

Jim walked out of the bathroom, ready to face the day.

"You always look super gay when you wear that shirt," Seb said with a smile, slipping his arms around Jim's neck.

"Thanks," Jim laughed. He put his arms around Seb's waist, pulling him close.

Jim put his face in Seb's chest, breathing his smell in.

"You know what would make this the best day ever?" Jim asked.

"What?" Seb asked, a smile in his voice.

"If you made me coffee the same morning I wear the Crown Jewels," Jim answered.

Seb laughed.

"I'll make you coffee," Seb said, smiling gently and brushing Jim's cheek.

"You're the best," Jim whispered, kissing him briefly and walking away from him into the kitchen.

"I know," Seb called after him.

Jim wanted to let Seb know he loved him, but he didn't know how. He feared that Seb would kill him just before his master plan started. He couldn't risk that. Maybe if Seb said it first, it would be okay, but Seb clearly wasn't going to say it first anytime soon.

Jim sat down at the table as Seb made his coffee. Once Seb finished, he set the coffee in front of him, reaching around him. He kissed Jim's cheek, smiling as he did it.

Jim felt the words swelling up in him with the subtle way Seb touched his face and brushed his side on "accident", and hugged him from behind at random times. Jim swallowed the words for what felt like the millionth time. It would be easy soon, as Jim wouldn't see him for a couple months.

"Will you come straight home after your trial?" Seb asked.

"Right after I threaten Sherlock over afternoon tea, which shouldn't take more than a half hour," Jim assured him.

"Okay," Seb said flatly, making no comment.

Jim knew what he was thinking. He was wondering if Jim was actually cheating on him with Sherlock. Jim couldn't see when he'd have time. He was always home, except for meetings with his secretary or when he went into the field or when he... oh shit. It definitely looked like Jim was cheating on him. Leaving multiple times a week, sometimes in the middle of the night. And Jim was about to leave for months.

Jim just hoped that his arrest would be well-publicized enough for Seb to believe it.


Jim sat across the throne, a scepter in one hand and his opposite elbow rested on the throne's arm. The thick cloak was making him sweat, but he didn't mind. The crown was much better than his London hat, and it fit him perfectly, as if it was meant to rest upon his head.
King Jim the First. He liked the sound of that.

The door he faced was locked, but it was only a matter of time before the police broke through. Soon enough, the police broke down the door, pointing guns straight at him. Jim thought he saw Detective Inspector Lestrade near the back.

The Bach piece he was still listening to through his earbuds ended at the perfect time.

Jim felt like a king in that moment, like the police were just peasants who didn't know what they were doing.

"No rush," Jim called lazily.

The police didn't seem to appreciate being treated like peasants, as they weren't remotely gentle when they forced the Crown Jewels off him while keeping him at gunpoint.

Jim smiled as they shoved him into the backseat of a police car, as everything was going exactly to plan.

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