Three new friends:5

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I'm gonna say now, if I can't find a proxy animal for each element, i'll use the eevee evolutions from pokemon.

Time skip:10 months later/3rd person P.O.V

It's been 10 months since i've started training

10 months since I got a quirk

10 months since I met my newest friend

And today...

Is the U.A entrance exam

I spent hours each day training with Kacchan and I actually got way better. I learned how to use 'Phantom:Ghost mode' which makes me like a ghost!. I'm invisible and I can go through walls. I now have a fire proxie named Flame, an air proxie named Kuki, and a earth proxie named Chikyu.

Lemme tell you how I got them.

Flame: flashback

I was training on the beach with Kacchan.

Phantom had just finished telling me about weapons that came with each proxie. I was trying really hard to summon them, but I coudn't do it. Kacchan remembered me telling him about the emotions thing so he started provoking me."Damn I thought you were better" "Nerd, fight me!" "You'l; never be as good as me". He avoided saying anything that would really hurt me though.

I got so angry I was on fire


There was a pheonix probably double the size of me who did the same forehead touch as Phantom.

There was a pheonix probably double the size of me who did the same forehead touch as Phantom

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'Hello' she said in a calm voice 'what would you like to call me?'

I thought about it for a moment and when i turned around I saw (or I guess felt) Phantom circling Kacchan while I think he was emitting flames from his palms


"I'll call you Flame! Do you like it?" I asked.'Yes!" she said 'I'd like anything you did no matter what.'

Then, a fire shaped charm appeared on my choker. Flame shrunk so she was about half my size now and helped with our training.

Kuki: flashback

I was testing out my new fire powers and I accidentally hit Kacchan!

I swear my heart stopped for a second...

I felt a lot of wind around me and I was suddenly picked up by another proxie which I guess was summoned by my fear.

I felt a lot of wind around me and I was suddenly picked up by another proxie which I guess was summoned by my fear

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The proxie took me over to Kacchan and thankfully, he was fine.

"Hello!" Izuku said "I'm guessing you don't have a name either?". The proxie said 'Correct!'. I thought for a bit then abrubtly said "Kuki!". Kuki picked me up and started doing happy flips in the air. I laughed and said "I guess you like it"

As Kuki and Izuku were having fun, a swirl like wind charm appeared on Izuku's choker.

Chikyu: flashback

Me and Kacchan were having a little spar. He had a smirk on his face because he knew he had more experience with his quirk.

He charged at me and I quickly whispered "Ghost mode" making me disappear. Kacchan thought I would attack from behind so he let off a big explosion behind him.

Little did he know, I was trying to outsmart him

I quickly changed into my wind/air form and made him shoot upwards. He let out a yelp of surprise and I used the wind to make him slam into the ground.

"I won... I actually...WON!!! Woop! In your FACE Kacchan!"

Kacchan who was frustrated from the defeat said "Yeah. yeah, congrats or whatever..." then he shot me a playful grin. I was feeling confident and a little cocky when...

Another proxie?!?

This one came up from the ground and had a huge grin.

Imagine she sounds like rainbow dash from my little pony.(The most fitting voice I could think of)

'Heyo!'She yelled in an excited voice 'I'm

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'Heyo!'She yelled in an excited voice 'I'm...' she trailed off looking at my expectantly. "Chikyu!"I answered. Chikyu was pretty excited so she grew to the size of a horse and gave me and Kacchan a ride across the shore.

A charm in the shape of a mountain appeared on my choker and Kacchan said "Hey look!". I faced in the direction of his voice and said "I can't 'look'! I'm blind!". Kacchan looked very awkward and said "I almost forgot you were blind..."(HEY READER, I BET YOU DID TOO! ADMIT IT!) Izuku rolled his eyes and said "When I have my quirk activated I can basically see so it's easy to forget"

And with that we continued to ride across the shore.

I feel like I've been writing for HOURS!

*checks the clock*

It's been 30 minutes.











~Gloomy           Word count:758

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