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AHHH I'M RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS! Do any of you want to see some fillers? After the exams and stuff I'm thinking of making another book... but I might make fillers for the time being! Just prepare for some O.P Izuku in this chapter...

It's not even funny...

Time skip: Provincial license exams

Izuku arrived in her hero suit and got a few stares from some boys but of course, she didn't see. She went inside the building and someone was explaining the first test.

"Ok, so everyone will have one red ball and three pads they can put on any visible part of their body. Your goal is to touch all three pads on the other people. If your pads get touched, then your out."

Everyone understood the goal and the room they were in, started to... unfold? They appeared in a huge area with buildings and mountain areas. Without further warning, they were told to get the required stuff and go prepare.

Izuku got her stuff and flew on Kuki, to the top of a building. She put one pad on her stomach, one on her shoulder, and one on her forearm. A loud siren went off which she guessed meant the test had started. She decided to finish this quickly, so she entered ghost mode and got three people out right off the bat.

Back at U.A, Student were allowed to watch the exams over some cameras that were recording. When they saw that the only one that had passed so far was from U.A, they bursted into a fit of cheers and laughs.

Izuku was in the waiting room when four students that looked about two years older than her came in as well. They saw her and started trying to make small talk.

"Hey babe!~"

"How you doin, hun?"

"Damn, you lookin fine..."

"Wanna go out sometime?"

Izuku felt immensely disgusted and used a poison gas to make them stunned for a bit, so she made her great escape. About 30 minutes later, everyone had cleared/failed and the second test was announced.

"The next one is simple...rescue the citizens!"

On cue, the building all collapsed and professional stunt actors came out and pretended to be hurt or trapped. Izuku rushed to what seemed to be a kid crying and immediately said "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" The 'kid' said he was fine but his grandpa was trapped under the rocks.

"Kuki! Please take him to the safe area. Chikyu your up."

Izuku stayed calm and collected and when Chikyu lifted up the rocks, she saw on old man that was 'unconscious'. She lifted him and put him on Chikyu's back, then escorted him to the safe area.

When she got to the safe area, the two actors that she had rescued had complimented her on her swift acting and how she stayed calm.

Out of the blue, Gang orca (who was a hero that looked like a villain) showed up with some fake thugs and villain. The students were told to protect the citizens so that was Izuku's first priority. She made a rock wall in front of the citizens and went to fend off the 'villains'.

Gang orca started saying things like "Give up heroes!" or "We will win!" but Izuku felt for even the tiniest but of movement. She would smash everyone down with wind if one of the fale villains even moved a muscle.

Class 1-a was watching their friend stand her ground and Mina started going crazy


Izuku felt Gang orca slowly moving forward and she smashed them down with wind, not letting them move anywhere. A siren rang, indicating the end of the exams. Izuku was really nervous and turned on her vision assisting device to check who passed.

She quickly went to where all 'M's were and saw...

Underlined: Izuku's P.O.V

Italics: Class 1-a P.O.V



"Can't believe it..."



"PASSED!" - both P.O.V's

Izuku was now squealing and she received her license. She took a picture and sent it to Katsuki.

Katsuki got the picture and showed the rest of the class. All the girls were squealing and jumping around. Izuku arrived back at school and was told everyone was waiting back at the new...

"Dorms!" she whispered in awe as the was standing outside the new class 1-a dorms. Aizawa was with her, telling her about the layout and how Katsuki had already moved her stuff to her room

"Ok, sensei!" She said as she walked in and was tackled by Uraraka and Mina.

"HOW WAS IT?!?" They both yelled in excitement. They started talking and more and more people came to congratulate Izuku for her license. Katsuki ruffled up her hair and smiled.


Izuku smiled back and said "Thank you, Kacchan!"

They continued to talk until they were forced to go to bed. Izuku was planning what she was going to do to her room and had the perfect idea!

I just wanna say thanks to Zhaoxzenmei and Bam57911 You two have been leaving really nice comments so, thank you!

(Lol I'm a noob that doesn't know how to link someone)

~Gloomy            Word count:890

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