Hosu incident: 18

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The next day, Erza woke up Izuku early, seen as they had to leave for Hosu city.

That's where Iida is interning! Maybe I'll see him there.

They got to the train station, and got on their train. Little did they know, 3 compartments ahead, Endeavor and Todoroki were also going to Hosu city.

As they entered Hosu, they heard a whistling noise... Almost as if something was falling...

Straight to the cart.

Izuku jumped out of the compartment and turned on her vision device at the same moment a nomu came crashing into the train. Citizens on the train were scared, so Izuku rammed herself into the nomu, pushing it and herself out of the train.

The nomu threw countless punches at Izuku, to which she dodged. Erza had dived after Izuku and was trying to pry it of her. The nomu had a tight grip and was not giving any sign it was about to give up now. Izuku entered ghost mode for a brief second, which let her pass through the nomu.

"Erza! What's happening?!" She yelled as she turned around to look at the city.

It had trails of smoke coming up from it

Fire! Izuku thought

Erza and Izuku quickly headed for the city, and Izuku summoned Tsunami to help her put out the fires. The fires were spreading insanely fast, and Izuku feared she wouldn't be able to put them out.

She faced the pros, Erza, Endeavor and Manual who we-


Wasn't Iida supposed to be interning with him?

Izuku headed over to Manual and asked "Where is Iida?!"

Manual looked at her in surprise and said "I don't know! Once the attacks started, we were heading here, but he must've trailed off!"

Izuku immediately went back into the alley ways, looking for Iida

Please be alright! She thought. D-don't be dead!

She was jumping from roof to roof now, looking for any sign of her friend. Suddenly, she heard talking

"I want to rid this world of all the fake heroes! The true heroes are all that are needed"

"You monster...". Izuku recognized to second voice as...Iida!

She jumped down and punched the person Iida had called 'monster'. Izuku then found herself standing face to face with the hero killer, Stain

The hero killer, Stain, is a villain who goes around killing heroes, (hence his name) saying he is trying to "rid the world of fake heroes". Thinking his actions are right and justified, he goes around from city to city, killing popular heroes.

Stain's quirk allows him to paralyze his opponents, if he consumes a bit of their blood. Depending on blood type, the opponent will be paralyzed for a shorter or greater amount of time.

This would be his second time striking in Hosu, the first being when he attacked the pro hero Ingenium, who just so happens to be Iida's older brother.

This is why Iida is here! Izuku thought. He wants to get revenge!

The hero killer glared at Izuku and said "Get out of here, kid. I'm not gonna kill you...yet.

I'm only here for these two". He motioned at Iida, and at a pro hero who was propped up on the wall, unconscious.

Izuku didn't care

"No! I'm gonna protect my friends! You won't lay a hand on him anymore!"

She launched herself at him, trying to circle round, but he saw right through her and tried to attack with his swords. He missed her body but...

He had cut her bangs.

Her bangs were out of the tie she had put them in, but they still didn't cover her glassy white eyes.

Izuku charged straight at Stain and landed a punch an his gut. He fell back and recovered himself. By now, Izuku had sent out where her location was to Todoroki, since she knew he was close by. Izuku tried to fend Stain off, and away from Iida but he managed to get a bit of her blood.

I-I c-can't m-move... she thought

"Dumb kid." Stain said. He prepared to stab Izuku, but he was stopped by a current of flamed

"T-Todoroki!" Izuku yelled with relief

Ok, I'm gonna say this quick *Deep breath in*

Todoroki won the fight against Stain, along with the help of Izuku and Iida later on in the fight, while the pro hero at the side just watched as a bunch of injured high schoolers took on one the most dangerous villains on earth. Later the pro heroes fighting had just figured out where they were, and when they found them, they had the hero killer! Thus, they ended up in the hospital and got in trouble for using their quirks but they could escape the trouble, if they gave the credit to someone else. Also, The pro heroes had questioned Izuku about her scars, but she refused to answer.

*GASP* woah, I actually said it fast in real life.

The end :3 lol not actually

~Gloomy Word count:793 (sorry! I promise the next one will be over 1000 words!)

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