Whole new sight:10

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3rd person P.O.V

Izuku fell unconscious

It wouldn't have been a bad thing if the proxies didn't need her to stay summoned.

One by one, the proxies glowed their respective colours and disappeared.

But, It wasn't so bad, because the pro heroes bursted into the doors at that moment. They saw an unconscious Izuku on the floor with blood coming out from under her bangs. They could see part of her scars, but her bangs stayed put for the most part. The heroes quickly evacuated the students and All-Might had an epic battle with the nomu.(Lol you thought I was gonna explain it? Nah! Just search up 'All-Mights battle with the nomu' on youtube or somethin'...)

Izuku was taken to Recovery girl along with Aizawa and All-Might. All-Might was awake the entire time, while Aizawa and Izuku were out like a light.

Recovery girl was talking to All-Might about One for all.

"This is the girl you gave One for all to?"

"Correct...she is quite strong."

"That is what I suspect...have you informed her of All for one yet?"

"Yes, of course. She understood and agreed almost immediately. She is completely aware of the dangers she is up against."

"I sure hope so..."

Time skip: next day- 5 minutes before class

"Hey!" Katsuki said as he walked into class "Have any of heard about Izuku?".

"She is still unconscious". Aizawa walked into the classroom with bandages all over his body.

"Anyways, I have some news. The U.A sports festival will be held tomorrow, so you might want to cram in some extra training before it starts."

Kirishima raised his hand and asked "What about Izuku? She was talking about it for a while... Will she still be able to compete?"

"Maybe" Aizawa replied "She will most likely wake up in the middle of the sports festival, but if she wakes up today, she will compete."

Kirishima had a look of disappointment and relief on his face. Not for himself, but for Izuku. When the bell rang, Katsuki got up to visit Izuku. He opened the door and there was a group of students there.

"Move out of my way!" Katsuki yelled. A student with purple hair came up to the front, already talking "Y'know, after the festival, they might move some students up to the hero course. Of course, that means students from the hero course will be removed."

Katsuki just scoffed and made his way to the nurses office where he saw two crying green haired girls.

It was Izuku and her mom

"K-k-kacchan..."she stuttered.

He realised she had her bangs up and her white eyes with scars were showing.

But through her cry's he could tell she was... happy?

There was another proxie beside her that looked happy as well.

There was another proxie beside her that looked happy as well

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It came up to Katsuki and said 'Hello! I'm Shizen!'. Katsuki then realised, Izuku was looking at him as if she hadn't seen him in years

"Y-you can-" he was cut off by her laugh

"Recovery girl gave me a device that lets me see." She showed him a little chip looking thing on her ear "It has a limit and a cool down, but other than that...woah, I forgot how pretty your red eyes were..." She sighed in content and cuddled with her proxie.

"Bye then dear!" Inko kissed her daughter on the forehead "I have to run off and get groceries! Hope you get better!".

Katsuki sat in the chair Izuku's mother was just in and told her about the sports festival. As expected, Izuku was super excited. Then she started asking if she she should let the class see her scars.

"It's your decision. You'll probably need to move your bangs anyways, because you'll be able to see more often"

"I guess so..." she grabbed a hair tie and tied her bangs out of her face like Mirajane from Fairytail.

She tried walking, and succeeded! It was currently lunch so, she asked Recovery girl if she could be in class the rest of the day. Recovery girl said if she felt ok, she could leave.

Katsuki and Izuku headed off to the cafeteria where a bunch of people were looking at her scars.

She didn't mind.

She sat down next to Tsu and when everyone stared she sighed, took a deep breath in and quickly said "I fell off a waterfall when I was 4 and scratched my eyes on rocks which made me go blind. Recovery girl gave me this chip thing which helps me see for about 5 hours at a time."

Then she took another deep breath in.

There was a moment of silence and then, everyone just laughed at how fast Izuku was talking, until they heard the security alarms go off. Everyone started rushing to the entrance and Izuku got lost in the sea of people. She got pushed towards the windows and saw that it was just the media.

I need a way to get everyone's attention!

She decided to summon Kuki and fly over everyone.

"Everyone, please calm down! It's just the media that got in! There is no reason to panic, so make your way outside calmly!"

After she was done, everyone got much calmer and started walking slowly out the doors.

When everyone was outside, Izuku found Aizawa and asked him what happened.

"Umm... How am I supposed to say this... Midoriya, I am truly sorry but...

Your mother... is dead"

Slowly, rain started to fall and tears started streaming down Izuku's terrified face.

As you can tell by now, I don't do cliffhangers!













~Gloomy        Word count:952

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