New home/training:11

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Izuku couldn't comprehend

She wouldn't comprehend

She didn't want to comprehend

As she realised what Aizawa just said, new charm in the shape of a raindrop/teardrop appeared on her choker. She was so stunned. She couldn't do anything except sink to her knees and let out loud sobs.

Soon enough, there was a crowd of 1-a students comforting her even though they didn't know what had happened.

Aizawa saw the confused and concerned look on their faces and explained.

"The reason the media was here, was because they wanted to question Izuku. Her mother died in a car crash."

The students let out gasps and some started crying.

Katsuki grabbed her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. Her white eyes, now red from crying and blood, were just so sad.

"C'mon." he said sadly "You can come live with my family. It's the least we can do to help you."

Izuku bursted into loud sobs and saying "why" over and over again. Her proxies, normal sized, all were summoned but, they came with another one this time

"Hello..." it said "I'm very, very sorry about your mother..."

Izuku looked up at the proxy and

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Izuku looked up at the proxy and...smiled

At a time like this she was smiling

"I-i-it's f-fine..." Izuku said as she tried to calm down "I-i-i'll name you...T-Tsunami..."

The class all admired her for her strength. Katsuki and Izuku were both excused to leave school.

"So... How bout it? Wanna live with us?"

"Yes please..."

Katsuki knew she was trying to be strong and she needed help, but out of nowhere, she had a big burst of energy

"I can't let this get me down! My mom wouldn't want me to be sad, so I won't be! I'll win the spots festival in honor of her..." she said with a smile that was both happy and sad at the same time.

"You never cease to amaze me, y'know that?" Katsuki said with a smirk. Izuku gave him a mischievous giggle.

They arrived at Izuku's house and she took a deep breath before walking in. Katsuki told her his mom had texted saying she could live with them as well so all she needed to do was pack.

Her proxies helped her pack up and Phantom found a bunch of pictures of her and her mom.

There was a heart locket that had a picture of Izuku and her mom. Izuku took it, and attached the heart to her choker. It was just a plain metal heart. 

"I love you mom... don't ever forget it..." she whispered

Packing was harder than it seemed.

Izuku kept finding things that reminded her of her mom and herself's good memories, but she held back her tears as much as she could!

"All done..."

She called Katsuki and Mitsuki (who insisted on Izuku calling her 'mom') and told them she was all packed up.

They showed up a couple of minutes later and Mitsuki could see the dried tear marks on Izuku's face

"Oh! You poor thing...I was so worried once I heard what happened! Are you holding up okay?"

By now, Izuku had to turn off her vision assisting device and her bangs were back in her face.

"I'm doing...alright I guess! Thank you for letting me stay with you, but I actually got an email that the students will be moved into dorms"

Mitsuki shrugged and said "Well, now you have a place to go on holidays!"

Izuku gave a soft smile and put her stuff in Mitsuki's car. They drove to the Bakugo household and Izuku put her stuff in the guest room.

"I know it will only be for two days, but thank you so much for letting me stay!" She said, but she wasn't as lively as she usually was. Katsuki noticed and said "How bout we train for the sports festival?"

Izuku smiled brightly and said "Yeah!"

Izuku and Katsuki walked to the beach where they usually train, and started with a spar.

"Hold on!" Izuku suddenly shouted. She used her earth powers to put 'weights' on Katsuki and herself.

"This will make us faster at the actual sports festival!"

As she put rocks on Katsuki's arms, he started talking about how they'll both crush everyone.

Izuku said "I think i'm gonna train blind...incase my device breaks in a fight, y'know?". Katsuki smiled at her and replied "Yeah, you always used to beat my ass when you didn't have the device anyways..."

They both got in stance positions and Izuku summoned Phantom to count them down

'Fighters ready? Set... GO!'

Katsuki made the first move, and used explosion to propel himself towards Izuku, but Izuku heard the explosions and when he tried to punch, she grabbed his arm and spun him around. She threw him a good twenty metres, and he got back up muttering "even with those weights..."

Izuku stayed ready, straining her ears. Katsuki took a more stealthy approach, and scattered rocks so that Izuku couldn't hear him coming. His plan worked and he punched Izuku in the gut. She fell back but, pushed herself back up in a flip.

Katsuki wasn't going down easily and neither was Izuku. Soon enough, a crowd had formed around the two who were moving insanely fast, with Katsuki using karate and Izuku blocking every kick or punch.

The tables turned when Katsuki missed a punch on his own and stumbled past Izuku. He did a roundhouse kick and Izuku did the same and their legs hit each other. People surrounding started recording and cheering for the two teens.

Katsuki and Izuku started mimicking each other punch-for-punch and kick-for-kick.

It was starting to get a bit ridiculous, but the crowd seemed to enjoy.

The two teens refrained from using their quirks because they didn't want to hurt the surrounding people.

Some people from class 1-a and even Aizawa were cheering at the two who were going so fast, no one could even see what was happening. Katsuki aimed a punch at Izuku's face but she caught it and spun him round, pinning him down. The crowd started cheering and the two teens shook hands with a smile.

Then Izuku said what no one in the crowd was expecting.

"Time to take off the weights!"

And that was how the crowd then became SHOOKETH.

Lol. I got really heated up during this fight scene Also....










I hAVe OvER TWo-HUnDRed REadS?!?!


~Gloomy                       Word count:1102

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