The end:22

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It has been 2 days since Izuku and Katsuki were kidnapped.

The heroes were outside the building in which the villains were hiding Izuku and Katsuki, with backup from the police.

"Alright!" All-Might said. "We go in, and Kamui Woods will trap the villains. Midnight, Aizawa, you two try to find Midoriya and Bakugo!"

The heroes knocked on the door, and pretended to be the pizza delivery.


The heroes began their plan, and Kamui Woods trapped all visible villains

"Waah!" Said Toga. "W-what's going on? WHERE IS THE PIZZA?"

MIdnight and Aizawa used this as a distraction, they slipped past the villains in search of the two kidnapped teens. They found a room where they heard hushed whispers.

They entered and saw Izuku and Katsuki, tied to a pole facing opposite ways.

Izuku couldn't see so she prepared for impact, but then Katsuki whisper-yelled "Aizawa! Midnight!"

Izuku couldn't have been more relieved. She had been running off of pure adrenaline so, as soon as Midnight cut them free, she fell over.

Aizawa caught her, and put her on his back.

"C'mon." He said. "Let's go before more villains come."

They ran out of the room, and got the two out and into the ambulances. Izuku had cuts and bruises all over her body, and Katsuki had a black eye and multiple bruises on his torso.

Aizawa returned to U.A, and told class 1-a about their friends safe return.

Kirishima and Todoroki were obviously the most relieved, and happy for their return. Aizawa also told them, they had both collapsed once they were at the hospital. Katsuki had been still worried about the sake of Izuku, so he still had an adrenaline rush. Once he was sure she was safe, he fell unconscious as well.

They would be returning next week, so they could throw a welcome back party for them. They had the time, after all!

It was pretty late at night, so they all went to bed. Todoroki though, just couldn't sleep. Not out of stress or fear...

But out of...


Time skip:One week

Katsuki and Izuku were walking over to the U.A dorms. It was a wednesday afternoon, so the class would probably still be at school, but they would be returning soon.

Izuku and Katsuki decided to surprise them, by cooking up a good dinner for them! They made Katsudon (As Izuku had offered to make) and also made some HIGH-QUALITY...













Pizza delivery.

They prepared the long table for twenty, and heard the first few students come in...

Todoroki, Kirishima and the rest of the Bakusquad froze on the spot when they saw each other. Our best boi, Kirishima ran up to both of them, and pulled them in for a hug.

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