First Class:7

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That picture tho! lol sorry I had to .(why is the bottom one so true?)

Izuku's P.O.V

Slowly, Izuku opened her eyes.

What happened...Where am I?

She got up and strained her ears, trying to listen for anyone near.


I remember now...

I wonder what happened to the girl I saved...

Just then the door opened and she heard the same voice of the girl she saved

Speak of the devil! I guess...

"Ah! Your awake! I'm so glad! My name is Ochako Uraraka! Thank you so much for saving me...and everyone else for that matter!"

"No problem!"

3rd person P.O.V

At the door was someone who has been watching Izuku for a while and he thinks she will be perfect for his request.

*Knock knock*

The door opened and there stood...


"Hello young Midoriya! I have come to talk to you about something. Miss. Uraraka, do you mind?" he asked

"Of course not!". Uraraka walked out of the room and All-Might turned his head to Izuku.

"Child, I have a request for you"

"Ok? What is it?"

"My quirk... One for all... I want you to take it and defeat the villain, All for one. All for one is the creator of One for all and he is most likely the most dangerous villain on this earth. His younger brother who many years ago tried to defeat All for one, passed on this quirk that was given to him by his older brother In hopes that somewhere along the line, A holder of One for all would defeat All for one. I'm asking you now, will you take One for all and defeat All for one?"


Time skip: 5 minutes before class begins

Izuku's P.O.V

Izuku walked up the steps and into the front door of the U.A building with Phantom sleeping on her head. Phantom was about as big as a chipmunk.

As she walked in, she heard footsteps coming towards her and then a voice

"Hello!" Izuku identified the voice as Midnight "Your that blind girl right? I'll guide you to 1-a!" she offered

"T-that would be v-very helpful! Thank you..."

Midnight smiled and grabbed the blind girls hand. As they walked to the classroom they heard two voices arguing

"Do not put your feet up on the desks!" someone yelled.

"You can't tell me what to do!" That was obviously Kacchan

Phantom woke up, jumped down and went back to her normal size (let's say, "medium sized dog" is normal sized, alright?)

Izuku thanked Midnight for guiding her and walked into classroom, Phantom a step behind her.

As soon as Izuku walked in, she bumped into someone and was about to fall when Kuki caught her by supporting her up. Kuki then went beside Phantom and sat down.

"Oww..." It was Kacchan! At least it was someone she knew...

"Sorry Kacchan she said and held a hand out for him to grab. He grabbed it and someone with a excited voice said "Woah! She was able to escape The walking time-bomb alive? So cool!"

"Shut up Pikachu!" (Kaminari)

A voice behind Izuku then said "If you're here to make friends, then you can leave. Otherwise take a seat. Kacchan guided me to my seat which was right behind his and we sat down.

"Allright, My name is Aizawa and I'll be your homeroom teacher. Get your P.E stuff because we're doing a test to see your progress you'll be in partners so find a partner and meet me outside."

"Wait!" Uraraka said "What about the opening orientation?"

"This is my class so you go by my rules. The opening is useless so we're doing something else."

With that everyone got in partners and headed out.

A boy that was abnormally short came up to me and said "Heyy~ wanna be my partner?". I didn't even have to see him to know he was a total perv.

"Actually," said Kacchan "She's with me". He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.

In the girls locker room, all I could think about was that perv.

I felt disgusted and then a new voice that I didn't recognize was in my head

Another proxie?

'Hi! I'm the poison proxie. You know the drill by now... name?'

If you didn't get it, Ivy was summoned by Izuku's disgust

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If you didn't get it, Ivy was summoned by Izuku's disgust

"I'll call you Ivy! Like poison Ivy!"

Ivy purred in agreement and went to talk with Phantom and Kuki. Izuku walked out with all three proxies as big as chipmunks. Kuki on her head, Phantom and Ivy on either shoulder

Aizawa started talking "Get with you partners and discuss a strategy. Your goal is to trow this ball further than 1000 metres." then under his breath he said "I don't think any of you can do it though..."

Izuku immediately went to find Kacchan. She had a plan.

"Kacchan!" she said "I have a plan!". "What is it?" he asked.

"Ok so, I'll put some little fires in my hand and you hover your hands over them! That will make you sweat more, therefore making your explosions stronger! When you throw the ball, I'll use wind to propel it forwards as well!"

Kacchan was silent, so I thought he was thinking, then he said "Damn... You thought of all that In a span of 5 seconds... Ok, we'll try it."

Me and Kacchan told Aizawa we were ready and he told everyone else to watch.

We carried out the plan exactly as planned and when Kacchan and I used our powers to throw the ball, a shockwave of wind hit everyone in the area.

Aizawa looked at the device that tracked the ball and was amazed by the results

"What did we get?" Kacchan asked as if that shockwave was nothing

Aizawa showed the class the results and it read...


Everyone in the class was staring in awe as Izuku sat there waiting for someone to tell her what is was.

Phantom noticed this and said 'You got 2154.8 metres silly!'

I smiled and said "YES! My plan worked perfectly!"

Aizawa cleared his throat and said "Well... is anyone else ready?"

WOO! longest chapter so far! I was feeling extra nice and generous today! If you are actually reading this then, thank you soo much! Wattpad is really calming to write on for me so, when people like this, it makes me happy! 

~Gloomy     Word count:1007

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