Fairytail: 16

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So, if you don't know what 'Fairytail' is, it's a really cool anime with wizards and magic! I recommend you watch it. I will be doing a crossover... IN THIS STORY, ERZA IS INKO'S SISTER (Izuku's mom is inko). Izuku will find that out in this chapter.

Class 1-a were at the train station waiting, some already leaving, for their trains. Many of class 1-a were shocked when they found out Izuku was interning at Fairytail

"Seriously?" Katsuki asked her. "And they didn't intern ME? How DARE they..." He said in a silly tone of voice. Izuku giggled and when she heard her train was here, she gave Katsuki a quick hug and got on her train.

Izuku got into an empty compartment and Todoroki walked up to her..

"Mind if I sit with you?" He asked her. Izuku jumped just a tiny bit, then answered "No, not at all!"

Todoroki blushed and was very thankful she couldn't see him. He was redder than his left side.

"So..." He started "I realised that...we don't really talk much do we? I was wondering if we could talk a bit?"

Izuku smiled brightly and said, "Yeah I would love to talk! So, who are you interning with?"

Todoroki sighed. "I'm with my father. All of the other agencies weren't very good". Todoroki continued to talk about his father and his mother, what she did to his eye and why he doesn't use his left side. Izuku realised just how much he had suffered.

"I'll be there for you..." She said. "If you need to talk about it...You can trust me, you know that, right?" She said with a soft smile.

Todoroki's left side caught on fire just a tiny bit, but he cooled himself down

"Y-yeah." he said. "Thank you. You are actually my first real friend." He said. Izuku looked surprised, then thrilled at the thought of being someone so special to him.

"Really? Your first friend? I would think people would be dying to even talk with you!"

Todoroki chuckled. "Nah...mont people were scared of me. I guess it's because of my scar? It is pretty intimidating..."

They continued to talk until they got off the train. Izuku was going to the middle of town while Todoroki was going a bit further to the outskirts. They said goodbye and went their separate ways.

As she grew closer to the agency building, she could hear Erza screaming for everyone to behave while the intern was there.

Izuku knocked on the door, and was greeted by a certain happy redhead.

"Ah, Izuku!" Erza said. "Welcome to our agency! I hope you know that we choose you, because you are very talented. I also...would like to spend a bit of time with my niece.".

When Erza said that, Izuku was frozen.

"...What? N-niece?"

Erza smiled and said in a soft voice "Hey little Izu... How you been holding up?"

Izuku started to tear up, then she hugged Erza tightly.

"This is so awesome! I'm interning with my aunt! AND SHE'S ERZA SCARLET!!!"

She spent a few hours getting used to the other people there, and she was very fond of them! They were all so nice.

"THINK FAST!" someone yelled as they seemed to be heading towards Izuku.

Time seemed to stop, as Izuku assessed the situation

Someone coming behind

Idiot. A direct attack is too predictable

I feel a bit of heat...

Natsu Dragneel

As the fire user was about to punch, Izuku activated her fire power. Slowly, her hair caught fire and started to float upwards, including her bangs. She sent a wave of flames, pushing Natsu away. She then, activated her ice power and froze him to the ground. As if she was the pro, she started talking while melting him out

"Direct attack. Stupid. Too predictable" Natsu looked like he had just been taken down by a five year. Old someone that was half naked came up and started laughing at Natsu. Izuku smiled and said "Sorry bout that! Instinct gets the best of me sometimes. That was probably a bit too much, wasn't it?"

The half naked guy, who Izuku had identified as Gray Fullbuster, patted her on the head and said "Nah! The piro deserved it! And that was impressive. As much as I hate to say it, Natsu is one of the strongest here. You took him down like it was nothing!"

Izuku smirked and summoned her proxies, they were the size of a lion

"'Cause it was nothing."

A lot of the guilds girls came to see the proxies but, they were a bit shy and decided to shrink to the size of a hummingbird, then they clambered all over Izuku. Erza came over and took a picture of this adorable moment.

She then told Izuku to change into her hero outfit, because they were going out on a patrol.

Izuku was excited as heck and went to change. As she walked out of the bathroom, she got a few looks from the boys, but she didn't see.

"C'mon Erza! Let's gooo!" Izuku said.

"Ok, ok!"

They headed out and both activated their quirks. Erza changed into an armor with wings, while Izuku summoned Kuki to ride. They started to fly around checking if there was anything happening. Izuku had obviously turned on her vision device and had spotted two lost little boys.

"Erza!" She called and motioned to the kids. She headed down and talked to the kids

"Hey there... Are you lost?"

"Y-yeah..." One of them said. They told Izuku that they just wanted to follow some birds, but they wandered to far from their mom.

"Don't worry! We'll find your mother."

Izuku let the two kids ride on Kuki to cheer them up, and walked around to find their mother.

"ISOGAI! KAI!" a woman yelled, and ran up to them. She scooped them up into a hug and they both said "Mommy!"

"Thank you so much heroes!" The woman said.

Izuku smiled and said "It was no problem ma'am!"

Izuku and Erza headed back to the agency and hung there for a bit then...

"Listen up!" Erza yelled. "Tomorrow, we will be training Izuku! She is far more powerful than she seems so, I want Lisanna, Natsu and Gray to all be ready!"

"Yes, ma'am!" They all yelled back in unison.

Izuku looked around at who she would be training with for the next week and smiled brighter than ever

This is gonna be one fun week!

I'm a potato

~Gloomy         Word count:1037

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