Birthday Part 2

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Happy birthday, dear Kayceeeeee! Happy birthday to you!

Kaycee gasped as the lights turned dim, subduing the celebratory feel of the party into an intimate setting. Sean slowly walked out of the kitchen, carrying the gorgeous two tier cake he slaved over all afternoon. She rose from her seat and met him halfway, alternating her surprised gaze between the cake and the boy, as our family and friends gathered around them.

Even after the song ended, she continued to gape, covering her open mouth with her hands. For a long moment, the room stilled in total silence, watching only Sean and Kaycee. They glowed in the candlelight, their faces incandescent with soft affection.

“Make a wish, Kayc.” He whispered to her, as if they were the only two people in the room.

“How…?” Kaycee whispered back, gesturing to the cake. “We had 2 workshops today! And you cooked the whole dinner too! When did you even…?” She could not get the words out, earning chuckles from the party.

“Well, let’s just say he woke up very early to start on the entrees.” Miya replied for him, as her son rolled his eyes.

“And he went straight to the kitchen after getting home from your last class.” Sarah continued, nudging her brother with her elbow. “Refused to take a shower, but at least he washed his hands thrice.”

“That’s why you ditched me?!” Kaycee said, playfully slapping him on the chest. “You know, that’s what convinced me that I wouldn’t get a birthday surprise this year. I was so crushed that you made plans without me!”

Sean laughed, shifting the cake so he could hold it with one hand. With the other now free, he pulled Kaycee close and pressed a kiss in her hair. She obliged, wrapping one arm around his waist. She didn’t didn’t let go, even after he pulled away.

“C’mon, I didn’t bake this thing just to have candles melt all over it.” Sean teased. “Make a wish.”

Kaycee gave him a final glance, before squeezing her eyes tight, and making her wish.

This was a rough year for the pair, and my heart swelled at the sight of them here tonight. There was a time when I doubted if this day would even come.

Because up until 4 months ago, Sean had a girlfriend.

It took us by surprise when one day, Kaycee came home from class, shell-shocked and agitated. After she calmed down, she told us that there was this girl - Erin. She just moved to LA a few months ago, and they had been seeing her more often in their classes. She didn’t really know about them and their partnership, so she had taken an interest in Sean. That afternoon, after class, she walked right up to the pair, and ASKED SEAN OUT.

“He just looked at me, and I snapped!” She yelled, pacing the kitchen.

“What do you mean you snapped?” I asked.

She blew her hair out of her hair, and faced me, dejected. “He just looked at me, like he didn’t know what to do! And she said ‘Oh, I heard you two weren’t together'. And I just got so mad!”

“So what did you say then?” I said, trying to stay patient with her.

“I said ‘Yeah, we aren’t together. He’s all yours.” She screamed, burying her face in her hands.

Neither of us said anything for a long time. Kaycee eventually sat down, and caught her breath. When she was calm, I joined her at the table, and set some hot tea in front of her.

“So I’m guessing Sean said yes?”

She nodded. “He kinda turned into a robot. Like, he didn’t really say anything. She just took his number, and left.”

Chapters: Stories on Sean & KayceeWhere stories live. Discover now