Dreams In Copenhagen

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The last time he taught in Copenhagen, he was just a teenager chaperoned by his mom. But now he was a man with a pretty girl on his arm. Copenhagen was a million times more magical this time around.

Or maybe it was just the alcohol talking.

Sean pulled the gorgeous brunette tight against him, burying his face in her hair as they stumbled through the cold streets back to their hotel. She smelled wonderful - like some orange flower with a hint of smokiness from the bar.

It was probably inching towards early morning, with the sky glinting a deep midnight blue. The sun would be out soon.

“Sean!” The girl whined, gripping his waist hard. “You’re gonna have to walk better than that. I can’t carry you!”

The drunk boy pulled back to look at her. Hazel eyes met his blurry brown ones. She did not look happy with him.

“I am walking, Kayc!” He slurred, words mixing with a laugh. He held his face a little too closely to hers, his breath brushing against her lips.

She leaned back slightly, putting some distance between them, and scrunched her nose. “Alcohol breath. No thank you.”

Sean chuckled as his “partner/friend” resumed dragging him through the dimly-lit streets. He kept a tight arm around her shoulders, brushing his thumb occasionally over her collarbone.

"You look so pretty, Kayc." He mumbled when they paused at a stoplight.

Her eyes glistened in the light of the street lamps, and the incandescent glow of the street made her illuminescent. If someone had told Sean he had died and gone up to heaven, he would have believed you. After all, he had an angel under his arm.

"I wish we could stay like this." He sighed.

"Like how?" Kaycee asked, peering up at him.

"This." Sean remarked simply, burying his face in her hair once more.

He dropped his arm from her shoulder and took her small hand in his. Then he brought their joined hands up to his lips, and pressed a firm kiss against her knuckles.

"You must be drunker than I thought." Kaycee joked, but didn't pull away. Instead, she let him kiss her hand again. Using her free hand, she reached up to brush his hair away from his sweaty forehead.

Maybe it was the alcohol. Or maybe it was Copenhagen, a world away from LA, far from prying eyes and invasive questions. But Sean could almost make believe they were just two kids who got drunk at the bar.

As the pedestrian light turned green, he draped an arm around Kaycee again and allowed her to steer them to the hotel. He was slightly aware that his legs weren't functioning properly anymore, but there wasn't much he could do about it.

The small girl struggled against him weight, but kept the complaints at a minimum. He wouldn’t even be sober enough to straighten his two legs, so it was pointless to waste her breath.

Miraculously, she managed to get them to the hotel. She propped him up against the elevator, and patted his pockets for his room key.

“Someone’s a little handsy.” Sean jokingly remarked when Kaycee patted his backside, finding the card in his back pocket.

Even though he was insanely drunk, his intoxicated brain still registered the death glare thrown his way. One more word and she was ready to throttle him. Sean motioned zipping his mouth shut, earning a stern nod from her.

With just a bit more effort, Kaycee dragged her best friend into his hotel room. The boy immediately plopped face down on the bed, groaning into the cool sheets.

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