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"Sean and Ayden, come on up!" Will called out. The two Asian boys quickly broke through the crowd and met at the center of the dance floor. They were practically carbon copies of each other with their fluffy black hair, matching black sweaters, and khaki-colored joggers. 

As they waited for the music to play, Sean offered Ayden a fist bump, but quickly noticed that the 9-year-old was otherwise preoccupied. The little phenom was usually razor-focused and all business. But today, his gaze was a bit off center, drifting to a little girl about his age in the crowd.

Sean smirked, knowing all too well the feeling of being distracted by a pretty brunette before a filmed dance. He snapped his fingers in front of the little boy's face.

"Earth to Ayden." He said. No response. Sean sighed and got down on one knee to level with him.

"Hey!" He flicked a finger at Ayden's forehead.

"OW! WHAT?!" Ayden yelped. He clutched his forehead, stunned at what just happened.

"Oh, now you're paying attention?" Sean teased.

"That hurt! I'm telling on you!"

"Yeah? And who are you going to-"

"KAYCEE!" Before Sean knew what was happening, Ayden had run off to the side, into the arms of his dance partner. The room erupted in laughter as the little boy began pointing fingers at Sean.

"He hurt me!" Ayden jokingly tattled, throwing Sean an accusatory look. Everyone knew it was just a joke, but wanted to play along. Kaycee was on her knee, hugging the little boy.

"C'mon, don't baby him, Kayc. It wasn't that hard!" Sean said, getting off his knee. He remained at the center of the dance floor, hands on his waist.

"Sean, how could you? He's just a kid!" Kaycee playfully cooed, gently rubbing at the mildly red spot that Sean had flicked.

"A kid who's too distracted by a crush to dance." He countered with a laugh.

"You know all about that, don't you?" Ayden responded, earning a round of "Oooooohhhh"s and "Snaps!" from their fellow dancers.

Sean took the shade with humor, pointing a finger at Ayden as if to say "Good one, little man."

"At least I still manage to do the dance," Sean replied. "Now, get your butt back here!"

With a final squeeze, Ayden pulled out of Kaycee's arms, and rushed back to the middle of the dance floor. Sean looked to Kaycee and shook his head.

"You," He said, wagging a finger at her. "We're gonna have a long talk after this."

Kaycee rolled her eyes at him. Then she gave a thumbs-up to Ayden, who returned it with a smile.

"Okay, can we get this show started?" Will asked, a hand hovering over the laptop, ready to cue the song.

"You good, Mini-me?" Sean whispered to Ayden. "You know, the way to get the girl is to just be you. Be nice, be patient. And when you dance, don't get weird. Just let your skills do the talking."

"How'd that work out for you?" Ayden teased.

"Well, I got the girl, didn't I?" Sean winked. 

Then, looking back up at Will, Sean gave his go signal to play the music. 


Author's Note: This is the shortest thing I've ever written, typed out in 5 minutes! But the idea just came to me, and made me so giddy that I needed to write it right away.

I was re-watching Jake Kodish's "ADD" choreography featuring Sean and Kaycee with Ayden. Then I remembered that Sean recently got paired up with Ayden during Will and Janelle's class (the HD video for which isn't out yet).

For those who haven't seen either of the videos, I'm sharing them here. Enjoy! (P.S. Check out the comments section of the ADD video. Such UWUs for the family!)

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