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She had a bad feeling about this.

Kaycee smelled blood in the waters when Tahani told her that she had invited Tati to her 16th birthday. But in effort to keep the peace, not wanting to be a drama queen, she waved it off like it was nothing.

“It's your birthday, T. You can invite whoever you want.” Kaycee reassured her. “And plus, it’s been so long. We're all over it.”

“Are you sure, Kayc?” Tahani replied on the other end of the line, voice a little robotic from the static of being on speakerphone.

“Of course. We're good. I'm excited to see you!” Kaycee chirped, proud that she managed to sound believably happy.

On the other side of her bed, Sean peeked over his laptop to cock a suspicious eyebrow at her. Kaycee rolled her eyes at him.

Don't start with me.

The boy sighed, quietly as Tahani didn't know that he was there nor that she was on speaker, and turned his attention back to his work.

Once she ended the call, Kaycee looked to her best friend, feeling a heavy tension settle between them.

“What?” She glared at him.

“Nothing.” He shrugged, keeping his eyes on the laptop screen.

“Don't ‘nothing' me. I know you have something to say.” Kaycee crossed her arms and kicked him lightly in the shin.

Sean sighed and closed his laptop, finally meeting her accusatory gaze. “If I remember correctly, Tati was…not great to you. At least in the end. And definitely not when it came to you and me.”

“You never really liked her.” Kaycee pointed out.

“It's not that I didn't like her,” Sean clarified. “She and I just didn't function on the same frequency.”

Kaycee rolled her eyes at him again, tossing a pillow at him for his snotty answer.

“Whatever.” She grumbled, as he laughed and easily caught the pillow. “Just be nice.”

“I'm always nice!” Sean flashed a ridiculously charming smile, dimples and all, to prove his point. “As long as she doesn't give me a reason not to be.”

But the second that they entered the restaurant, Sean trailing after her, bringing their joint (yet expensive!) gift, Kaycee knew that trouble was brewing.

For starters, the girl raked her eyes over Kaycee disdainfully, but her expression remained politely neutral.

Then, she turned her gaze on Sean. Kaycee couldn't help but notice the way her eyes slowly dragged over her partner, as if she had x-ray vision and wanted to see under his Aztec-printed jacket.

But Sean didn't notice. Instead, he threw Kaycee a hard look, mild distrust flashing across his features.

Let's get through this.

“Kayc!” Tahani squealed, enveloping her in a spine-breaking hug. Then the tiny girl gave Sean an equally lung-crushing embrace after accepting their gift.

Tati, along with their other friends, greeted them as well, albeit feeling a bit forced. One look at the girls' full makeup and sexy outfits made Kaycee flush in embarrassment.

Looking down at her shirt, jeans, and combat boots, she couldn't help but feel underdressed and…maybe even a little childish? Her friends looked so grown, yet everything about her screamed high schooler.

But before she could shrivel up inside, Tahani proceeded to tug Kaycee to her side of the table.

“Come on. I want my main girls nearest to me .” Tahani explained. With a look at Sean, the boy seemed to immediately get a hint, so he took the next available chair, one diagonal to Kaycee from across the table.

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