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When Blake told Tessandra that he needed more, he didn't think she would choose them.

It's taking them a while to find the right dancers to perform in the Let Me Love You music video. They had workshopped with several pairs already - some excellent dancers paired up for the first time, others experienced duets. They even tried with Connor and Emma, UnityLA members who had previously performed the piece already at Radix. But something was missing.

It wasn't enough to just do the piece. They needed to tell the story. They needed to feel something. It needed to be real.

Blake thought he and Tess were on the same page. So when she let him know that she had found The One, he was excited.

But this, them, it wasn't what he had in mind.

And it's not to say that he doesn't like them. On the contrary, he loves them. Everyone does. But in the context of the song, of the story, it doesn't seem like the right fit.

"I just don't think they can do it, Tess." Blake huffed. The second he walked into the studio and saw Sean and Kaycee, two teenagers goofing off in a corner, he flashed them a friendly smile but immediately tugged Tessandra into a dressing room for a private chat."

"You haven't even seen them dance yet." Tess countered, crossing her arms in frustration. "You're being unfair."

"I don't doubt their skills, okay? We've worked with them before, and they are, without a doubt, amazing." He backpedalled and clarified himself. "But come on! What does a 16 and 17 year old know about devotion, huh? Or about selflessness? Unconditional faith?"

Tessandra was quiet for a moment, unable to formulate a response. The two colleagues simply looked at each other, and Blake thought he won. He started to brace himself to break the news to the two kids.

"A regular 16 and 17 year old? Nothing." Tess broke the silence, voice low but dangerously serious. "But best friends? Soulmates, in the way those two are? They know it better than us."

Blake opened his mouth, ready to retaliate, but Tessandra cut him off with a hand.

"She has jumped into his arms blindfolded countless times, trusting that he would always catch her. He follows every word she says, no questions asked." She continued. "So if that isn't devotion and faith for you, then you better show me what the hell it looks like."

"They are so young." Blake furrowed his brows and crossed his arms stubbornly. "Are they even mature enough for this piece?"

"Age has nothing to do with the connection they have." Tess shook her head. "Anything more potent that them would mean a married couple or something. Now, unless you're willing to wait for Keone and Mari, Sean and Kaycee are your best bet."

Blake paced, immersed in thought. Tess had a point, their connection was truly one of a kind. But he still couldn't help doubting their maturity.

He has known Sean and Kaycee for years. He knew how silly they are, and how they would sometimes downplay their connection to appear more platonic. He didn't need those right now. He needed earth-shattering loyalty, unfiltered devotion, life-changing reverence.

"Are you sure there isn't anyone…?" Blake tried again.

Tessandra shook her head once more, already set on her choice.

"You said you wanted more, Blake. Something real. Well, it doesn't get any realer than them."

With a sigh, he conceded, knowing it was best to just let her have what she wants. In the end, who was he to argue with an Emmy winner.

"Fine." Blake rolled his eyes. "But if I don't cry within the first chorus, we look for a new pair."

"Then get some tissues already because they're about to tear your heart to pieces."

He should have known better than to doubt her. Because Tessandra was right. Of course she was always right.

I am here…

Sean launched into a set of perfect turns, a chaotic energy about him that embodied his lost character. Kaycee looked on, arms extended wide, eyes practically glistening in the light.

With open hands. All I need…

They flowed through the moves with their signature synchronicity, like two halves of a whole.

...Is you again.

Eyes locked, they faced each other, intertwined, and took turns moving through the circle of each other's arms. When Kaycee slipped into his space, Sean gripped a hand at the back of her head and looked her in the eyes with the fire of a desperate man.

Perhaps this time last year, she would have looked away. Anything beyond 5 seconds was too long for Kaycee Rice. But not anymore. She met Sean's gaze with a joyful intensity, as if she could pour her light into him.

Something in Blake's chest cracked. It was too much to bear. He looked away, feeling like he had intruded on something private.

"Okay, stop." He called out. Sean and Kaycee halted their movements and faced him, faces painted with worry. Tessandra paused the music and approached Blake, ready to give him a piece of her mind.

"What in the hell was that?" Blake asked the two teens. There was a darkness in Sean's eyes that hinted that he hadn't fully shaken off the character yet. But Kaycee's eyes were as clear and bright as a summer's day.

"What do you mean?" The girl cocked her head to the side in confusion. She looked up to her partner, but the boy genius couldn't offer an answer. With a few eyebrow quirks, Blake figured that they were having another wordless conversation.

"That. I mean, wow. That was so painful…" Blake said, making the two kids wince. Kaycee looked away, while Sean moved in front of her, as if ready to throw a punch.

"Painfully beautiful."

Tessandra's eyes snapped to meet Blake's as a slow smirk slipped on the man's face. She rolled her eyes in amusement as the joke caught up to her.

"It was amazing! It felt so real!" He continued to gush as the tension faded from the duo. "I mean, Kayc, your eyes said it all. How did you get into that mindset?"

The young woman shrugged, shyly averting her gaze to the floor.

"I just thought about me and Sean. How, if he was in a really bad place, like he hits rock bottom, I would fight to get him back. I'd do anything to make it better."

In any other situation, the boy would have been a bumbling mess. But they always took each other's compliments in stride, and knew what they meant to one another.

Sean nodded, as if to say it was the same for him.

In many ways, Blake realized later on, no one else could have pulled off this piece.

He is the train, and she is the one that goes choo choo, Sean once said. And in a way, that's what the story is about. She brought a peace to soul that he couldn't find anywhere else. And in return, he lifted her higher than she had gone ever before.

"You were right." Blake conceded. He whispered his defeat to Tessandra as the two teens went back to rehearsing the piece. Sean held Kaycee in his arms bridal-style, looking every but comfortable and effortless, as she broke down each tiny movement.

"Of course I was." Tessandra replied. "They're the real deal."

"I've never cried over one of my music videos, but I just might for this." He said.

"Oh, believe me." Tess said. "I could barely make it through their rehearsal. Can you imagine what it would be like when they nail the whole choreo and actually try to act the parts?"

Blake laughed, earning a quick questioning look from the duo on the dance floor. "I'll make sure to book a trip so that none of you see me break down."


Author's Note: This was inspired by Blake's IG Live after they shot the music video. He said they initially tested with other dancers, but settled on S&K. Definitely not the greatest, but just something fast because I needed to get it out of my system.

Chapters: Stories on Sean & KayceeWhere stories live. Discover now