Let Go Part 2

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“Kayc, do you want to go to Disneyland with me?” Sean asked out of the blue one day, just as Kaycee was about to get into her car. They hung out at the Lew household that day, and she showed him a new piece she planned on teaching in an upcoming class out of town.

Kaycee stopped and eyed him suspiciously as Sean opened the driver-side door for her.

“Why?” She drawled out, teasing him.

“It's Disneyland." He shrugged, and grinned easily at her. "Do we need a reason to want to go?”

“You got me there." She conceded, getting into her car. Sean gently closed her door as Kaycee rolled her window down and buckled in. “You'd think we'd get sick of it after all these years, right?”

“Some things never lose their magic.” He replied vaguely.

Kaycee’s hand froze over the ignition, eyes fixed on the steering wheel. The air shifted heavily, and she knew he probably wasn't just talking about Disneyland anymore. If Sean noticed her reaction, he didn't say.

“So yeah, we can go next weekend?” Kaycee cleared her throat, brushing it off as she started the engine.

“Sure.” Sean said, stepping away from the her car window as she prepared to pull away. “I'll pick you up.”

Kaycee gave him one last wave, relishing the sight of him in the golden hour – he stood by the curb, eyes squinted in the light and hair tousled in the warm California wind as he waved back.

“Get home safe.” He always said it whenever she would leave him.

“I'll message you when I get home.” She reassured him.

Kaycee pulled away from her spot, starting the two hour drive from his house to hers. She looked back in the rearview mirror, watching him watch her, his figure shrinking as she drove away.
As always, their trip to Disneyland was straight out of a dream. Despite being twenty and nineteen respectively, Sean and Kaycee raced through the theme park like little kids. The Happiest Place In The World has always been their favorite, and they never grew tired of visiting. There was always something fun to do, something new to discover.

For the few hours they spent in the park, there were no commitments to meet, no new pieces to practice: they were just two kids having the time of their lives.
To Kaycee's surprise, Sean beat her to every bill and insisted on paying for everything.

"Sean, you don't have to!" Kaycee whined, trying to push her money into his fisted hand.

"Nope, nope." The boy teased, side stepping to make her chase him.

After a few rounds that irritated some fellow park goers and caused a collision with a group of tourists, the pair eventually called a truce.

"Fine, I'll take it." Sean conceded. He held out his palm, and Kaycee handed him her money.

Then he threw it on the ground by her feet.

"Noooo!" Kaycee giggled, quickly bending down to gather the bills. "What if a robber came by?"

Sean roared in laughter, watching the girl scramble after the last loose bill that had drifted off in the slight breeze.

When the sun had started to set, and the two began to feel the heat and exhaustion set into their bones, Kaycee suggested they call it a day.

"Can we at least wait for the fireworks?" Sean pouted. "We can grab some dinner while we wait. My treat!"

"But we've already seen the fireworks like a dozen times. And you've already spent so much today." Kaycee groaned. "There'll be next time."

Chapters: Stories on Sean & KayceeWhere stories live. Discover now