Girl Almighty Part 1

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They think he doesn't know, doesn't see it, but he does - their pitying smiles. Their uncomfortable laughs.

They think he's an idiot who had fallen for an act.

"Let her go, Sean." They said.

"She's a fake." They said.

"Her love is made up." They said.

He smiles through it all, and they think it's because he's oblivious to the facts. But what they don't know is that their so-called "facts" are only the edge of a blurry peephole

No, he's smiling because he knows better.


Sean Lew grew up in an obscure little town where nothing much happens and hardly anything ever changes. He's had the same friends since kindergarten, played piano in the school band, and was set to attend the community college his dad taught in.

Life was simple.

Ordinary, sure. Uneventful, yes. But safe.

And that was all enough until Kaycee Rice.

She arrived in their small middle-of-nowhere town at the start of junior year, dragging in with her the California sun and her big city attitude.

In that town where nothing every happens, word about the new girl spread like wildfire across their neighborhood in the days leading up to the start of the school year.

Lots of people said crazy things, speculating that she was a disgraced heiress sent there as punishment. Some rumored that she was recently out of rehab and came to keep a low profile. Others whispered that she had gotten pregnant and was hiding from her abusive boyfriend.

No one was sure of anything, but all the stories had one thing in common – Kaycee Rice arrived in the middle of the night with a handful of suitcases and only her mother in tow.

Sean paid no mind to the rumors; he never cared much for the high school rumor mill. He's always kept his head down and minded his own business. It was safer that way, to keep to himself. He didn't make a lot of friends, but he didn't make any enemies either.

Sean caught a glimpse of her in the cafeteria at lunch over his friend's shoulder – just a flash of brown curls – but she was gone before he could actually see her. God knows where she went, as she didn't stop to have lunch with anyone.

He was seated with his friends, Josh and Julian, as they started brainstorming for this year's recital. He had intended to contribute to the conversation, but it was hard to when all everyone seemed to talk about was the new girl.

Lunch period was buzzing with fresh news on her. A couple guys from band said she had killer legs underneath her ripped black jeans. Girls he knew from PE hypothesized that she must be a slut based on her shade of lipstick. Some group of douchebag fuckboys made jokes about seeing under her low cut shirt.

Eventually, Sean sighed and plugged in his Airpods, wanting no part in their brainless rambles.

They met on the 2nd day of school, in Math class.

Well, technically, they didn't meet per say. He took his preferred seat at the back of room, plugged in his Airpods, and sketched useless doodles at the back of his notebook, ready to get through the routine sweep of the course syllabus.

Sometime after the 2nd song, Sean felt the presence of someone taking the seat next to him, but he paid them no mind. Not until the teacher walked in and said something that caught all eyes to snap to the back of the room in his general direction.

Sean discreetly removed one Airpod in time to register that people weren't looking at him, but rather at the unfamiliar girl next to him.

For the first time, he looked at her, mind still slightly muddled from being pulled out of the song he was intently listening to. He only registered one thing - hazel eyes.

She stared back at him with...was it curiosity? He was inclined to think so. But before he could grasp it in his foggy brain, she turned away. She slipped on a mysterious smirk, one that made you wonder what secrets she knew, and slowly rose from her seat.

Everything about her was poised to kill - from her dangerous smile to her deliberately graceful stance. Like a serpent, or perhaps a sphinx. Either way, she had them under a spell and she knew it.

She introduced herself, "Kaycee", and said she was from California. She didn't bother elaborating, and the teacher waved off the vague introduction, simply wanting to get the formality over with.

As she turned to sit back down, their eyes met again. There was a light pink dusting her cheeks, which Sean thought they might be from nerves. So he offered her a small smile in greeting, his dimples making a quick appearance. Her eyes widened at the gesture, but she reciprocated it anyway.

They breezed through the syllabus quickly, but god forbid their teacher let them off the hook on their first day in class.

"You'll be working in pairs for the first quarter of the school year, so go ahead and pick your partner." Mr. Gonzalez said, starting to pack up his things. "The first assignment is to read the first 4 chapters, and answer the exercise at the end of each chapter."

In the sea of vehemently groaning teens, Sean simply sighed in resignation and stuffed his book in his bag. He didn't have any friends in this class, so at best, he hoped to find someone he was friendly enough who'd be willing to partner with him.

"Do you wanna be partners?" Asked the boy in front of him, Gabe de Guzman.

It took a second for Sean to realize that he wasnt talking to him, but was talking to the new girl next to him, Kaycee.

But Kaycee wasn't looking at Gabe. She was looking at Sean.

Whatever the rumors were about her, Sean realized that none of them included the most important thing - that she was beautiful. No matter her legs, or her lipstick, or what was under her low cut shirt. She glowed like she was made from stardust, and it was fascinating.

"Sorry," She said in reply to Gabe, her hazel eyes locking on to Sean's brown ones. "I already have a partner."

In hindsight, Sean should have know then that nothing was going to be the same. He should have said goodbye to his simple life. He should have bid farewell to ordinary, uneventful, safe life.

Because Kaycee Rice was about to change everything.

Author's Note: For seayceetings because it's her fave. 💕

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