I Don't Share

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Sean is late.

Kaycee checks her watch for the millionth time that day, but the clock hands seem to be mocking her and refuse to move. Her eyes snap up at the sound of the door opening, a smile instinctively pulling at her lips. But her expression quickly falters at the sight of some other guy entering the hall.

“Disappointed much?” Kaycee jumps at the sound of someone whispering really close to her ear.

“T!” She chastises her friend, who only doubles over laughing.

“You should have seen the look on your face!” Maddie teases from her spot in a nearby chair. Tahani leans into Bailey, who smirks at Kaycee.

“Seriously, girl. That door is going to melt if you don’t stop staring at it.” Charlize notes, tying her shoelaces.

“I’m not staring,” Kaycee huffs, turning around so that she could stop looking at it. “I’m just-”

She exhales loudly, making the stray locks of hair float momentarily. “He said he’d be here, and he’s not. He hasn’t been replying, so I don’t know where he is. The class is going to start soon, and he can’t not be here for that because then we’d be short a person.” She rambles, defending herself.

The 5 young dancers were selected to assist in a big dance conference in San Diego, spearheaded by some of their favorite mentors.

The first class is a partner class led by Kyle Hanagami and his favorite muse, Haley Fitzgerald. Working opposite the girls were their childhood friends - Julian, Josh P, Josh B, Gabe, and supposedly, if his busy ass could make it, Sean.

With 15 minutes to go, Sean is nowehere to be seen. He was supposed to fly in from France yesterday afternoon where he taught at another conference tour. He’s been gone for almost 3 weeks.

But the flight was delayed, and they took off some time in the evening. They knew he was going to cut it close, but they didn’t think it would be this close. It is now early afternoon, and he still wasn’t there.

5 minutes left.

People are starting to settle down in preparation for the class. Many of the students already stretched, and are introducing themselves to one another. The girls began nudging Kaycee, urging her to get ready backstage.

“I’m sorry, Kayc.” Tahani calls her. “We need to talk to Kyle and Kaley about a backup plan if he doesn’t show up.”

“If he doesn’t show, I won’t dance.” Kaycee says offhandedly, sparing the door one last glance. “No point in doing a partner dance without my partner.”

The girls pick up their bags and begin to make their way to the side of the stage.

Then the door opens again.

Kaycee instinctively turns, unable to stop her gasp when Sean finally appears.

Ever disheveled, the boy runs inside, only to stop at the sight of the large open hall. He quickly scans the room, trying to figure out where to go next, or to spot a familiar face.

Kaycee raises a hand and waves, trying to get his attention. She watches him carefully look across the room, until his eyes land on her. She stares at him openly, allowing herself to take stock and re-memorize him - his fluffy hair was in need of trim, his eyes were a little tired, and he looks sloppy in his poor choice of baggy-on-baggy clothes.

But Sean is Sean, and he could light up an entire city with those dimples.

His face breaks into a shining smile when he spots Kaycee. He raises a hand and starts to take a step towards her when-

Chapters: Stories on Sean & KayceeWhere stories live. Discover now